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Code Title Date
EB 2018/LOT/P.24 Lapse Of Time
Türkiye: President's Memorandum: Murat River Watershed Rehabilitation Project – additional financing

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/LOT/P.23 Lapse Of Time
Sri Lanka: President's Memorandum: Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme – additional financing

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/LOT/P.21 Lapse Of Time
Cabo Verde: President's Memorandum: Rural Socio-Economic Opportunities Programme – additional financing

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/125/R.1/Rev.1 125th session of the Executive Board

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/125/R.40/Rev.1 125th session of the Executive Board
Status of Reimbursable Technical Assistance and Way Forward

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/125/R.45/Rev.1 125th session of the Executive Board
Update of Financing Terms

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/125/R.42/Rev.1 125th session of the Executive Board
Resources Available for Commitment

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/125/R.46/Rev.1 125th session of the Executive Board
Non-Concessional Borrowing Policy

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/125/R.48/Rev.1 125th session of the Executive Board
Workplan for IFAD’s Office of Audit and Oversight for 2019

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/125/R.37/Rev.1 125th session of the Executive Board
IFAD Policy on Project Restructuring

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/125/R.24 125th session of the Executive Board
Revised Guidelines and Procedures for Results-based Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/LOT/P.14/Rev.2 Lapse Of Time
Honduras: Project for the Economic and Social Inclusion of Small Rural Producers in Northeast Honduras

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

GC 42/INF.2 42nd session of the Governing Council
Forty-second session of the Governing Council: Procedures for Statements by Governors

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

GC 42/L.4 42nd session of the Governing Council
Consolidated Financial Statements of IFAD as at 31 December 2017

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/125/INF.4 125th session of the Executive Board
Memorandum of Understanding between the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture and IFAD

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/125/R.20 125th session of the Executive Board
Minutes of the Tenth Meeting of the Working Group on the Performance-Based Allocation System

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

  • PPT - Application of the Performance Based Allocation System for IFAD11 English
EB 2018/125/R.58 125th session of the Executive Board
Draft Programme of Events for the Forty-second Session of the Governing Council

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/125/R.55 125th session of the Executive Board
2018 Joint Update on Rome-based Agency Collaboration

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/LOT/G.6 Lapse Of Time
McGill: project-friendly metrics and technologies for better results in nutrition-sensitive projects

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/LOT/G.5 Lapse Of Time
CIRAD: Integrating Multiple Water Sources and Local Institutions for Enhanced Food Security in North Africa’s Hinterland by Reinforcing Agricultural and Rural Innovation Systems

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/LOT/G.7 Lapse Of Time
CEFA: Food Security and Sustainability in Fragile Situations programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/LOT/G.4 Lapse Of Time
C4ED: Theory and practice of impact assessment in developing countries

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/LOT/G.3 Lapse Of Time
ABAUD: Youth Empowerment in Agribusiness and Sustainable Agriculture Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/LOT/P.16 Lapse Of Time
Liberia: Tree Crops Extension Project II

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2018/LOT/P.4 Lapse Of Time
Sierra Leone: President's memorandum: Rural Finance and Community Improvement Programme – Phase II - additional financing

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

1976 to 2000 out of 6876 records displayed

6876 records found