Document search
Code | Title | Date |
EB 2024/143/R.36/Rev.1 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Revision to the minutes of the 142nd session of the Executive Board |
EB 2024/143/R.1/Rev.3 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Agenda |
EB/142 |
142nd session of the Executive Board
Minutes of the 142nd session of the Executive Board |
EB 2024/143/INF.2/Rev.1 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Opening statement by President Alvaro Lario |
GC 48/INF.1 |
Forty-eighth session of the Governing Council
Forty-eighth Session of the Governing Council - Organizational Aspects |
EB 2024/143/INF.2 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Opening statement by President Alvaro Lario |
EB 2024/LOT/P.27 |
Lapse Of Time
Burkina Faso: Joint Programme for the Sahel in Response to the Challenges of COVID-19, Conflict and Climate Change in Burkina Faso |
GC 48/INF.3 |
Forty-eighth session of the Governing Council
Consolidated financial statements of IFAD for 2023 |
GC 48/INF.2 |
Forty-eighth session of the Governing Council
Forty-eighth Session of the Governing Council: Procedures for General Statements |
GC 48/L.1 |
Forty-eighth session of the Governing Council
Provisional agenda |
EB 2024/143/R.3 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Viet Nam: Climate-Resilient and Inclusive Water Infrastructure for Rural Smallholders in Thanh Hoa and Nghe An Provinces (CRWIS) Arabic | English | French | Spanish
EB 2024/143/R.8 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Brazil: Capacity Development for Overcoming Hunger and Mitigating the Effects of Rural Poverty and Extreme Poverty (PPF II) |
EB 2024/143/R.5 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Zambia: Financial Inclusion for Resilience and Innovation Project for Rural Zambia (FIRIP) |
EB 2024/143/R.7 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Brazil: Climate Resilience, Food Security and Nutrition in the Semi-arid Northeast of Brazil Project (PDHC III) |
EB 2024/LOT/G.11 |
Lapse Of Time
Getulio Vargas Foundation for the Program in Rural Monitoring and Evaluation (PRiME) Phase III |
EB 2024/LOT/G.10 |
Lapse Of Time
Billital Maroobe Network for Water for Peace: Inclusive and Sustainable Access to Water in Pastoral Areas Affected by Multifaceted Crises |
EB 2024/LOT/P.26 |
Lapse Of Time
Eritrea: Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (SFLP) Arabic | English | French | Spanish
EB 2024/LOT/P.25 |
Lapse Of Time
Philippines: Value Chain Innovation for Sustainable Transformation in Agrarian Reform Communities Project (VISTA) |
EB 2024/LOT/P.24 |
Lapse Of Time
Brazil: Paraíba Rural Sustainable Development Project (PROCASE II) Arabic | English | French | Spanish
EB 2024/143/R.9 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Egypt: Climate-Resilient on-Farm Water Management in the Nile Valley (CROWN) Arabic | English | French | Spanish
EB 2024/143/R.23 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Update on IFAD’s commitments, programme of loans and grants and related resources for 2024 Arabic | English | French | Spanish
EB 2024/143/R.30 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Draft programme of events for the forty-eighth session of the Governing Council |
EB 2024/143/R.2 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
India: Odisha Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups Empowerment and Livelihoods Improvement Programme II (OPELIP-II) |
EB 2024/143/R.28 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
Minutes of the 175th meeting of the Audit Committee |
EB 2024/143/R.17 |
143rd session of the Executive Board
IFAD’s 2025 results-based programme of work, regular and capital budgets, and budget outlook for 2026-2027, and IOE’s results-based work programme and budget for 2025 and indicative plan for 2026–2027, and the HIPC, BRAM and PBAS progress reports |
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6855 records found