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Code Title Date
EB 2006/89/R.35 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Grant under the country-specific window to the Department of Cooperatives, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam for the Rural Development Strategy for 2010-2015 with Vision to 2020

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EB 2006/89/R.34 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Grants under the global/regional window to non-CGIAR-supported international centres

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.33 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Grants under the global/regional window to CGIAR-supported international centres

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.32/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Turkey: Diyarbakir, Batman and Siirt Development Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.31/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Sudan: Butana Integrated Rural Development Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.30/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Egypt: Upper Egypt Rural Development Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.29/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Haiti: Small-scale Irrigation Development Project (PPI-2)

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.58 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Guatemala: President's memorandum: National Rural Development Programme: Central and Eastern Regions (Loan No. 651-GT): Extension of time limit for signature of the loan agreement

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.57 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Ecuador: President's memorandum: Development of the Central Corridor Project (Loan No. 650-EC): Extension of time limit for signature of the loan agreement

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.55 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Colombia: President's memorandum: Rural Microenterprise Assets Programme: Capitalization, Technical Assistance and Investment Support (Loan No. 702-CO): Modification to the supervision arrangements

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.27/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Bolivia: Enhancement of the Peasant Camelid Economy Support Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.26/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Argentina: Rural Areas Development Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.25/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Sri Lanka: Smallholder Plantations Entrepreneurship Development Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.24/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Lao People's Democratic Republic: Northern Region Sustainable Livelihoods through Livestock Development Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.23/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
India: Women's Empowerment and Livelihoods Programme in the Mid-Gangetic Plains

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.22/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
China: Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Modular Rural Development Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.21/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
United Republic of Tanzania: Rural Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Support Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.20/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Uganda: District Livelihoods Support Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.54 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Mozambique: President's memorandum: Agricultural Support Programme (Loan No. 690-MZ) – Approval of fiduciary arrangements

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.19/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Eritrea: Post-Crisis Rural Recovery and Development Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.18/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Niger: Agricultural and Rural Rehabilitation and Development Initiative Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.17/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Mali: Kidal Integrated Rural Development Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.16/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Burkina Faso: Agricultural Commodity Chain Support Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.15 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Resources available for commitment

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2006/89/R.14/Rev.1 Eighty-ninth Session of the Executive Board
Nepal: Country strategic opportunities programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

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