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Code Title Date
EB 2019/127/R.27 127th session of the Executive Board
Angola: Smallholder Resilience Enhancement Project (SREP)

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/R.34/Rev.1 127th session of the Executive Board
Senegal: Rural Youth Agripreneur Support Project (Agrijeunes Tekki Ndawñi)

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/R.33/Rev.1 127th session of the Executive Board
Niger: Project to Strengthen Resilience of Rural Communities to Food and Nutrition Insecurity

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/R.31/Rev.1 127th session of the Executive Board
Burkina Faso: Agricultural Value Chains Project in the Southwest, Hauts-Bassins, Cascades and Boucle du Mouhoun Regions

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/R.30/Rev.1 127th session of the Executive Board
Sudan: Sustainable Natural Resources and Livelihoods Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/R.29/Rev.1 127th session of the Executive Board
Mozambique: Small-Scale Aquaculture Promotion Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

IFAD Gender Awards 2019
Invitation to IFAD Gender Awards 2019


EB 2019/127/R.48 127th session of the Executive Board
Cameroon: President's memorandum: Youth Agropastoral Entrepreneurship Promotion Programme (PEA –Jeunes) – Extension of the time limit for signature of the amendment to the financing agreement

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/R.20 127th session of the Executive Board
Cameroon: Country strategic opportunities programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/R.24 127th session of the Executive Board
Cambodia: Sustainable Assets for Agriculture Markets, Business and Trade Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/R.2 127th session of the Executive Board
High-level preview of IFAD's 2020 results-based programme of work and regular and capital budgets, and the preview of the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD's results-based work programme and budget for 2020 and indicative plan for 2021-2022

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/R.5 127th session of the Executive Board
IFAD10 Impact Assessment: Final Report

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/INF.8 127th session of the Executive Board
Opening statement by President Gilbert F. Houngbo

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

13 Sep 2019 Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
Opening remarks of Ms Amina J. Mohammad, UN Deputy Secretary-General


11 Sept 2019 Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
Concept Note and Provisional Agenda

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

12 Sep 2019 Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
Briefing note on the Sahel


Sahel Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
Sahel Action Plan

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

ERP Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
Enterprise Resource Planning implementation and review of potential compatibilities within Rome-based agencies


10 Sep 2019 Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
2019 progress report on Rome-based agency common services

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

2019-08-01 Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
Third Planning Meeting for the Third Annual Joint Informal Meeting of the Rome-based Agency Governing Bodies - Note for the record

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

Save the date Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
Save the date - Joint meeting RBA Governing Bodies- 13 September 2019

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/R.36 127th session of the Executive Board
Report of the Chairperson on the 154th meeting of the Audit Committee

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/INF.7 127th session of the Executive Board
Memorandum of understanding with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/INF.6 127th session of the Executive Board
Memorandum of understanding with the Korea Rural Economic Institute

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2019/127/INF.3 127th session of the Executive Board
IFAD’s interest rates for the second and third quarters of 2019

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

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