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EB 2005/85/R.18 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
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EB 2005/85/R.17 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Niger: Country Strategic Opportunities Paper

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2005/85/R.16 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Malawi: Country Strategic Opportunities Paper

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2005/85/R.15 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Lao People's Democratic Republic: Country Strategic Opportunities Paper

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2005/85/R.14 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Country Strategic Opportunities Paper

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2005/85/R.13 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Benin: Country Strategic Opportunities Paper

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EB 2005/85/R.12 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Angola: Country Strategic Opportunities Paper

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2005/85/R.11 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
IFAD's Participation in the Debt Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries – Proposal for Rwanda and 2005 Interim Progress Report

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2005/85/R.10 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
President's Report on the Implementation Status of Evaluation Recommendations and Management Actions

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2005/85/R.9 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Corporate-Level Evaluation of the Direct Supervision Pilot Programme

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EB 2005/85/R.8 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Report of the Chairperson on the Fortieth Session of the Evaluation Committee

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EB 2005/85/R.7/Rev.1 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Strategic Priorities and Programme of Work and Budget of IFAD and its Office of Evaluation for 2006

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EB 2005/85/R.6 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
IFAD's Action Plan for Management's Response to the Independent External Evaluation

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2005/85/R.5Rev.1 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
IFAD Policy on Preventing Fraud and Corruption in its Activities and Operations

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EB 2005/85/R.4 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
IFAD Policy on Crisis Prevention and Recovery

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EB 2005/85/R.3 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Review of the Implementation of the Performance-Based Allocation System in IFAD

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EB 2005/85/R.2/Rev.1 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Report on the Implementation of the IFAD Policy for Grant Financing

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EB 2005/85/R.1/Rev.1 Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 84 - minutes Eighty-Fourth Session of the Executive Board
Minutes of the Eighty-Fourth Session of the Executive Board

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2005/84/INF.10/Rev.1 Eighty-Fourth Session of the Executive Board
Summary of Project, Programme and Grant Proposals Discussed by the Executive Board

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EB 2005/84/INF.9/Rev.1 Eighty-Fourth Session of the Executive Board
Closing Statement by President Båge to the Eighty-Fourth Session of the Executive Board

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EB 2005/84/INF.8 Eighty-Fourth Session of the Executive Board
IFAD's Participation in the Harmonization Initiative and the Paris High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness: 28 February - 2 March 2005

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EB 2005/84/INF.6 Eighty-Fourth Session of the Executive Board
Grants under the Global/Regional and Country-Specific Grant Windows Approved by the President

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EB 2005/84/INF.5 Eighty-Fourth Session of the Executive Board
Information Paper on the Performance-Based Allocation System

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EB 2005/84/INF.4 Eighty-Fourth Session of the Executive Board
IFAD's Response to the Tsunami in the Asia and the Pacific Region

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