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EB 2009/96/R.10 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
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EB 2009/96/R.42/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
The Sudan: Country strategic opportunities programme

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EB 2009/96/R.9 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Pakistan: Country strategic opportunities programme

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EB 2009/96/R.8 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Haiti: Country strategic opportunities programme

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EB 2009/96/R.7 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Environmental management and sustainable development - IFAD’s Environmental and Social Assessment Procedures

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.6 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
IFAD's participation in the Debt Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries

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EB 2009/96/R.5 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Appointment of Members to the Evaluation Committee

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EB 2009/96/R.4 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Report of the Chairperson on the fifty-fifth session of the Evaluation Committee

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.3/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Revisions to the General Conditions for Agricultural Development Financing

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.1/Rev.2 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board

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EB 2008-95-Minutes Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Minutes of the Ninety-fifth Session

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EB 2008/95/INF.8 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Closing statement by the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development Mr Lennart Båge at the ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2008/95/INF.7 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Summary of project, programme and grant proposals discussed by the Executive Board

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2008/95/INF.6 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
List of documents for the ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board

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EB 2008/95/INF.5 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
IFAD Initiative for Mainstreaming Innovation - Third Progress Report on the Main Phase

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EB 2008/95/INF.4 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Status report on arrears in principal, interest and service charge payments

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EB 2008/95/INF.3 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Agreement concerning the hosting of the Secretariat of the International Land Coalition

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EB 2008/95/INF.2 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
United Republic of Tanzania: Implementation of the second cycle of the Rural Financial Services Programme under the Flexible Lending Mechanism

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2008/95/INF.1 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Arrangements for the ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board

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EB 2008/95/R.59 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Proposed dates for sessions of the Executive Board in 2010

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EB 2008/95/R.58 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Invitation of observers to sessions of the Governing Council

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EB 2008/95/R.57 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Application for non-original membership

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EB 2008/95/R.56 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Report of the Emoluments of the President

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EB 2008/95/R.55 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Draft provisional agenda and programme of events for the thirty-second session of the Governing Council

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EB 2008/95/R.54 Ninety-fifth session of the Executive Board
Progress report on the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

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