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Code Title Date
EB 2009/96/R.25 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Grants under the global/regional grants window to non-CGIAR-supported international centres

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.24 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Grants under the global/regional grants window to CGIAR-supported international centres

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.23/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Dominican Republic: Development Project for Rural Poor Economic Organizations of the Border Region

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.22/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
India: Convergence of Agricultural Interventions in Maharashtra’s Distressed Districts Programme

Arabic | English | Spanish

  • Project design document
EB 2009/96/R.21/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
China: Sichuan Post-Earthquake Agricultural Rehabilitation Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.20/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Afghanistan: Rural Microfinance and Livestock Support Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.19 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Uganda: President's Memorandum – Vegetable Oil Development Project - Modifications to the Loan Agreement

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.18 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Mauritius: President's Memorandum – Rural Diversification Programme - Extension of the completion and closing dates

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.17/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Ethiopia: Community-based Integrated Natural Resources Management Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.16/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Burundi: Agricultural Intensification and Value-Enhancing Support Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.15/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Mali: Rural Microfinance Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.14 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Guinea: President's Memorandum – Village Communities Support Project – Phase II: Request for waiver of the policy on taxes – Amendment to the grant agreement

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.13 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Guinea: President's memorandum - Sustainable Agricultural Development Project in the Forest Region (Loan No. 589-GN) - Amendment to the loan agreement and reallocation of loan proceeds

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.12/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Burkina Faso: Rural Business Development Services Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.11/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Benin: Rural Economic Growth Support Project

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.10 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Resources available for commitment

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.42/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
The Sudan: Country strategic opportunities programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.9 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Pakistan: Country strategic opportunities programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.8 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Haiti: Country strategic opportunities programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.7 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Environmental management and sustainable development - IFAD’s Environmental and Social Assessment Procedures

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.6 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
IFAD's participation in the Debt Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.5 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Appointment of Members to the Evaluation Committee

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.4 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Report of the Chairperson on the fifty-fifth session of the Evaluation Committee

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.3/Rev.1 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board
Revisions to the General Conditions for Agricultural Development Financing

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2009/96/R.1/Rev.2 Ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

4826 to 4850 out of 6666 records displayed

6666 records found