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Ninety-ninth session of the Executive Board

Meeting Executive Board
Dates Ended about 14 years ago (21/04/2010 - 22/04/2010)



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Previous Sessions Documents

Official Documents

Official Documents

Agenda item 2

Agenda item 4

IFAD Climate Change Strategy

Agenda item 6: Evaluation

Report of the Chairperson on the sixty-first session of the Evaluation Committee

Report of the Chairperson on the sixty-second session of the Evaluation Committee

Peer Review of IFAD's Office of Evaluation and Evaluation Function

Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's capacity to promote and scale up innovation

Membership of the Evaluation Committee

Agenda item 7

Haiti: An IFAD structure for permanent debt relief

Agenda item 8: Country strategic opportunities programmes

Azerbaijan: Country strategic opportunities programme

Dominican Republic: Country strategic opportunities programme

Nigeria: Country strategic opportunities programme

Sierra Leone: Country strategic opportunities programme

Agenda item 9

Resources available for commitment

Agenda item 10: Project/programme proposals for consideration by the Executive Board

West and Central Africa

Cameroon: Commodity Value Chain Development Support Project

Ghana: President's memorandum: Rural and Agricultural Finance Programme – Supplementary loan

President's memorandum: Modification of supervision arrangements (Republic of Côte d’Ivoire and Democratic Republic of Congo)

East and Southern Africa

Burundi: Value Chain Development Programme

Eritrea: Fisheries Development Project

Uganda: Vegetable Oil Development Project – Phase 2

Asia and the Pacific

Bangladesh: Char Development and Settlement Project IV

Bangladesh: Participatory Small-scale Water Resources Sector Project – Supplementary loan

Papua New Guinea: Productive Partnerships in Agriculture Project

Viet Nam: Project for the Sustainable Economic Empowerment of Ethnic Minorities in Dak Nong Province (3EM)

Latin America and the Caribbean

Dominican Republic: Rural Economic Development Project in the Central and Eastern Provinces

Guatemala: Sustainable Rural Development Programme in El Quiché

Near East, North Africa and Europe

Somalia: North-western Integrated Community Development Programme – Phase II

Yemen: Economic Opportunities Programme

Agenda item 11: Grant proposals for consideration by the Executive Board

Grant under the global/regional grants window to a CGIAR-supported international centre

Grant under the global/regional grants window to a non-CGIAR-supported international centre

Agenda item 12

Planned project activities including activities proposed and approved under the lapse-of-time procedure 2010-2011

Agenda item 13

Annual Report on Enterprise Risk Management Activities in IFAD

Agenda item 14

Change and reform: Implementation

Disclaimer: This revision pertains only to the English version and reflects the final edited version of the document

Agenda item 15

Report on the status of contributions to the Eighth Replenishment of IFAD’s resources

Report on IFAD's investment portfolio for 2009

Report on IFAD's investment portfolio for the first quarter of 2010

Status report on arrears in principal, interest and service charge payments

Estimated principal and net service charge payments forgone as a result of the implementation of the Debt Sustainability Framework

Interest rate for the period 1 January 2010 – 30 June 2010 for loans on ordinary and intermediate terms

Requirements for the thirty-first drawdown of Member States’ contributions in 2010

EB 2010/99/R.39

Report of the Chairperson on the 110th and 111th meetings of the Audit Committee (Distributed only to Executive Board Members)

Report of the Chairperson on the 112th meeting of the Audit Committee

Report of the Chairperson on the 113th meeting of the Audit Committee

EB 2010/99/R.51

Report of the Chairperson on the 114th meeting of the Audit Committee (Distributed only to Executive Board Members)

Revised Charter of the IFAD Office of Audit and Oversight

Workplan for IFAD's Office of Audit and Oversight for 2010

Consolidated financial statements of IFAD for 2009

Agenda item 16: Other Business

Appeal of judgment No. 2867 of the International Labour Organization Administrative Tribunal to the International Court of Justice

Minutes of the ninety-eighth session of the Executive Board

Synthesis of deliberations of the third meeting of the Farmers’ Forum

Information notes

Arrangements for the ninety-ninth session of the Executive Board

2009 grants under the global/regional and country-specific grant windows approved by the President

Progress report on the implementation of the IFAD Strategy for Knowledge Management

State of Piauí of the Federative Republic of Brazil: Semi-arid Sustainable Development Project in the State of Piauí (Viva o Semi-árido)

Results of the Executive Board vote by correspondence regarding the country-specific grant to the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) for the Haiti Post-Earthquake Support Programme for Food Security and Employment Generation in Affected Rural Areas

Republic of Peru - Market Strengthening and Livelihood Diversification in the Southern Highlands Project – Sierra Sur II

List of documents for the ninety-ninth session of the Executive Board

Summary of project, programme and grant proposals discussed by the Executive Board

Minutes of the ninety-ninth session