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100th session of the Executive Board

Meeting Executive Board
Dates Ended almost 14 years ago (15/09/2010 - 17/09/2010)



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Previous Sessions Documents

Official Documents

Official Documents

Agenda item 4

High level preview of IFAD's 2011 results-based programme of work and administrative and capital budgets, and preview of the Office of Evaluation's results-based work programme and budget for 2011 and indicative plan for 2012-2013

Agenda item 5

IFAD Policy on the Disclosure of Documents (2010)

Agenda item 6

Guidelines for Dealing with De Facto Governments

Agenda item 7: Evaluation

Report of the Chairperson of the Evaluation Committee on the country visit to Mozambique

Report of the Chairperson on the sixty-third session of the Evaluation Committee

Agenda item 8

President's Report on the Implementation Status of Evaluation Recommendations and Management Actions (PRISMA)

Agenda item 9

Consultation on the Ninth Replenishment of IFAD's resources: Establishment and selection of chair

Agenda item 10: Country strategic opportunities programme

Côte d'Ivoire: Country strategic opportunities programme

Agenda item 11

IFAD's lending terms and conditions – Hardened terms

Agenda item 12

Resources available for commitment

Agenda item 13: Project/programme proposals for consideration by the Executive Board

West and Central Africa

Guinea: National Programme to Support Agricultural Value Chain Actors

Guinea-Bissau: President's memorandum: Rural Rehabilitation and Community Development Project – Supplementary grant

Mali: Fostering Agricultural Productivity Project

Mali: President's memorandum: Northern Regions Investment and Rural Development Programme – Supplementary grant

Nigeria: President's memorandum: Community-Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme – Supplementary loan

Sao Tome and Principe: President's memorandum: Participatory Smallholder Agriculture and Artisanal Fisheries Development Programme – Supplementary grant

East and Southern Africa

Angola: President's memorandum: Request for a waiver of the policy on taxes for the Market-oriented Smallholder Agriculture Project

Kenya: Programme for Rural Outreach of Financial Innovations and Technologies (PROFIT)

Uganda: Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services Project

Zambia: President's memorandum: Smallholder Agribusiness Promotion Programme – Supplementary grant

Latin America and the Caribbean

Honduras: Sustainable Rural Development Programme for the Southern Region (Emprende Sur)

Near East, North Africa and Europe

Armenia: Rural Asset Creation Programme

Djibouti: President's memorandum: Programme of the Mobilization of Surface Water and Sustainable Land management – Supplementary grant

Agenda item 14

Planned project activities, including activities proposed and approved under lapse-of-time procedure 2010-2011

Agenda item 15

Implementation of Rule 24 of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board on the Lapse of time procedure

Agenda item 16

Project Procurement Guidelines

Procurement Handbook

Agenda item 17

IFAD's Debt Sustainability Framework – Application of the modified volume approach

Agenda item 18

Establishment of the Spanish Food Security Cofinancing Facility Trust Fund

Disclaimer: "Revision 2 of this document pertains only to the English version"

Agenda item 19

A Medium Term Plan for IFAD 2010-2012: Progress Report

Agenda item 20: Financial matters

Report of the Chairperson on the 115th session of the Audit Committee

Level of IFAD's General Reserve

Report on the status of contributions to the Eighth Replenishment of IFAD’s resources

Report on IFAD's investment portfolio for the second quarter of 2010

Agenda item 21

Draft provisional agenda for the thirty-fourth session of the Governing Council

Agenda item 22: Other Business

Application for non-original membership

Minutes of the ninety-ninth session of the Executive Board

Silent observers at Executive Board proceedings

Election of representatives of the Governing Council to the IFAD Staff Pension Committee

Accreditation of IFAD as a multilateral implementing entity of the Adaptation Fund

Information notes

Arrangements for the 100th session of the Executive Board

Status report on arrears in principal, interest and service charge payments

List of documents for the 100th session of the Executive Board

Action required by the Executive Board with respect to governing body documents

Progress report on implementation of the 2010 programme of work and the change and reform agenda: towards a more agile, efficient and effective institution

Minutes of the 100th session of the Executive Board