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Code Title Date
GC 23/L.5 23rd Session of the Governing Council
Audited Financial Statements of IFAD as at 31 December 1998

English | French | Spanish

GC 23/L.4 23rd Session of the Governing Council
Programme of Work and Budget of IFAD for 2000

English | French | Spanish

GC 23/L.3/Rev.1 23rd Session of the Governing Council
Partnerships for Eradicating Rural Poverty: Draft Report of the Consultation to Review the Adequacy of the Resources Available to IFAD, 2000-2002

English | French | Spanish

GC 23/L.2 23rd Session of the Governing Council
Progress Report on the Fourth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

English | French | Spanish

GC 23/L.1/Rev.1/Add.1 23rd Session of the Governing Council
Schedule of Work for the Session

English | French | Spanish

GC 23/L.1/Rev.2 23rd Session of the Governing Council

English | French | Spanish

GC Report 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Report of the 22nd session of the Governing Council

English | French

GC 22/Resolutions 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Resolutions Adopted by the Governing Council at its Twenty-Second Session

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/INF.8 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Statement Adopted by the NGOs Participating in the Ninth IFAD/Non-Governmental Organization Consultation

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/INF.7 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Financial Highlights for the Year Ended 31 December 1998

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/INF.5 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Report on the Implementation Status of the Heavily-Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative (HIPC DI) and Financial Implications for IFAD

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/INF.4 22nd Session of the Governing Council
IFAD's Response to the Consequences of Hurricane Mitch in Central America

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/INF.3 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Contribution from Non-Member State

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/INF.2 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Results of the Governing Council Vote by Correspondence for the Provision of a Supplementary Amount of USD 1 Million to the Budget of IFAD for 1998

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/INF.1 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Arrangements for the Twenty-Second Session of the Governing Council

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/L.11 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Follow-Up to the Conference on Hunger and Poverty: Progress Report on the Popular Coalition to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/L.10 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Progress Report on the Establishment of the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/L.9 22nd Session of the Governing Council
General Reserve

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/L.8 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Timing of the Annual Sessions of the Governing Council: Amendment of the Rules of Procedure of the Governing Council

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/L.7 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Membership of the Executive Board

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/L.6 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Review of the Adequacy of the Resources Available to IFAD

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/L.5 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Programme of Work and Budget of IFAD for 1999

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/L.4 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Audited Financial Statements of IFAD - 31 December 1997

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/L.3 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Progress Report on the Fourth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

English | French | Spanish

GC 22/L.1/Rev.1/Add.1 22nd Session of the Governing Council
Schedule of Work for the Session

English | French | Spanish

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