31st Session of the Governing Council

Meeting Governing Council
Dates Ended about 17 years ago (13/02/2008 - 14/02/2008)



There is currently no news related to this session
Previous Sessions Documents

Official Documents

Official Documents

Agenda item 2

Agenda and programme of events IFAD's Thirtieth Anniversary

Agenda item 4

Application for non-original membership

Agenda item 7

Report on the Seventh Replenishment of IFAD's resources

Agenda item 8

Eighth Replenishment of IFAD's resources

Agenda item 9

Audited financial statements of IFAD for 2006

Agenda item 10

Administrative and capital budgets of IFAD and its Office of Evaluation for 2008

Agenda item 11

Special Expenditure for IFAD's new headquarters

Agenda item 12

Progress report on implementation of the performance-based allocation system

Agenda item 13

Report on lessons learned by the International Land Coalition

Agenda item 14

Progress report on the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

Agenda item 15

Emoluments of the President

Information notes

Arrangements for the Thirty-first session of the Governing Council

IFAD's participation in the Debt Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries - Progress report

Governing Council Roundtables focus on: Challenges and opportunities for smallholder farmers in the context of climate change and new demands on agriculture

Order of Speakers: Statements to be delivered during plenary meetings

Financial highlights of the year ended 31 December 2007

Statement by the Vice-Chairperson, Mr Jörg Frieden, closing the Thirtieth Anniversary session of the Governing Council

Resolutions adopted by the Governing Council at its thirty-first session

Thirty-first session report