Recent News
- 142nd session of the Executive Board
Executive Board Consultation on Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs), project/programme proposals, non-sovereign private sector operations
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
EB 2024/OR/7 - Brazil: Country strategic opportunities programme - PPT (English)EB 2024/142/R.6/Sup.1 - Kenya: Integrated Natural Resources Management Programme - (English)EB 2024/142/R.5/Sup.1 - Angola: Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture Project - (English) -
Governing Council
New appointment announcements
by Alvaro Lario
I am pleased to announce that following a comprehensive recruitment process, I have appointed Ms Federica Diamanti as Associate Vice-President, External Relations Department and Mr Roger Fischer as Chief Risk Officer, Office of Enterprise Risk Management.
To read the full communication and in the four official languages of the fund please click the following links: [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
126th session of the Evaluation Committee
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
EC 2024/126/W.P.6 - Approach paper for the CLE of the Institutional and Operational Performance under IFAD11 and IFAD12 - PPT on CLE IFAD11 and IFAD12 (English)EC 2024/126/W.P.7 - Preview of the results-based work programme and budget for 2025, and indicative plan for 2026-2027 of the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD - PPT on IOE Budget (English)EC 2024/126/W.P.2 - 2024 Annual Report on the Independent Evaluation of IFAD (ARIE) - PPT on ARIE (English)EC 2024/126/W.P.4 - Report on IFAD's Mainstreaming Effectiveness (RIME) for 2024 - PPT on RIME (English)EC 2024/126/W.P.3 - Report on IFAD's Development Effectiveness (RIDE) for 2024 - PPT on RIDE (English) -
142nd session of the Executive Board
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
EB 2024/142/R.10/Sup.1 - Côte d'Ivoire: Agro-Industrial Pole Project in the North-East - (French)EB 2024/142/R.10/Add.1 - Côte d'Ivoire: Agro-Industrial Pole Project in the North-East - (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)EB 2024/142/R.40/Sup.1 - Senegal: Support to Food Sovereignty Project - (French)EB 2024/142/R.40/Add.1 - Senegal: Support to Food Sovereignty Project - (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)EB 2024/142/R.5/Sup.1 - Angola: Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture Project - (English) -
142nd session of the Executive Board
New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:
EB 2024/142/R.6/Sup.1 - Kenya: Integrated Natural Resources Management Programme - (English) -
Executive Board Consultation on Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs), project/programme proposals, non-sovereign private sector operations
New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:
EB 2024/142/R.4 - Pakistan: Sindh Coastal Resilience Project - Project Design Report (English) - 142nd session of the Executive Board
- 142nd session of the Executive Board
142nd session of the Executive Board
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
EB 2024/142/R.27 - Report on the status of contributions to the Thirteenth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)EB 2024/142/R.40 - Senegal: Support to Food Sovereignty Project - Project Design Report (English)