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Code | Title | Date |
EB 2003/80/INF.7 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Field Presence Pilot Programme 2004-2007 - Initiative Briefs |
EB 2003/80/INF.5 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Implementation of the First Cycle of the Rural Poverty Alleviation Programme in Cape Verde Financed under the Flexible Lending Mechanism |
EB 2003/80/INF.4 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
IFAD Initiative for Mainstreaming Innovation |
EB 2003/80/INF.3 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Accession of IFAD to the Strategic Partnership Agreement for UNCCD Implementation in Central Asian Republics |
EB 2003/80/INF.2/Rev.1 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
List of IFAD Staff Involved in the Preparation of Country Strategic Opportunities Papers, and Loan and Grant Proposals for Submission to the Eightieth Session of the Executive Board |
EB 2003/80/INF.1 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Arrangements for the Eightieth Session of the Executive Board |
EB 2003/80/R.52 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Ad-Hoc Working Group of the Executive Board on Field Presence - Chairman’s Report |
EB 2003/80/R.51 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Lebanon: President's Memorandum: Cooperative Rural Finance Programme (Loan No. 569-LB) Extension of Loan Effectiveness |
EB 2003/80/R.50 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Delegation of Authority to Establish Multi-Donor Trust Funds |
EB 2003/80/R.49 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Dates for Sessions of the Executive Board in 2005 |
EB 2003/80/R.48 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Programme of Events and Revised Provisional Agenda for the Twenty-Seventh Session of the Governing Council |
EB 2003/80/R.47 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Cooperation Agreement with the NEPAD Secretariat |
EB 2003/80/R.46 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Multi-Donor Programme of the Inter-American Development Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development for the Eradication of Rural Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean |
EB 2003/80/R.45 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Report on Lessons Learned by the International Land Coalition |
EB 2003/80/R.44 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Progress Report on the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa |
EB 2003/80/R.43 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Report on the IFAD V Plan of Action (2000-2002) |
EB 2003/80/R.42 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Progress Report on the Process Re-Engineering Programme (Strategic Change Programme) |
EB 2003/80/R.41 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Planned Project Activities 2003-2004 |
EB 2003/80/R.40 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Technical Assistance Grant to the International Land Coalition in Support of its Programmes, Partnership Activities and Services |
EB 2003/80/R.39 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Technical Assistance Grants for Agricultural Research and Training by Non-CGIAR-Supported International Centres |
EB 2003/80/R.38 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Technical Assistance Grants for Agricultural Research and Training by a CGIAR-Supported International Centre |
EB 2003/80/R.37/Rev.1 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Sudan: Gash Sustainable Livelihoods Regeneration Project |
EB 2003/80/R.36/Rev.1 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Algeria: Rural Development Project for the Mountain Zones in the North of the Wilaya of M’Sila |
EB 2003/80/R.35/Rev.1 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Venezuela: Sustainable Rural Development Project for the Semi-Arid Zones of Falcon and Lara States (PROSALAFA II) |
EB 2003/80/R.34/Rev.1 |
Eightieth Session of the Executive Board
Mexico: Strengthening Project for the National Micro-watershed Programme |
5826 to 5850 out of 6866 records displayed
6866 records found