Executive Board Consultation on Project/programme/grant proposals

Meeting EB-Related Seminars and Events
Dates Ended about 4 years ago (03/11/2020)



  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:

    EB 2020/131/R.XXXXXX - Benin and Togo: Regional Programme for the Integration of Agricultural Markets (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)
    EB 2020/131/R.XXXXXXXX - Niger: President’s memorandum: Proposed project restructuring in the Republic of the Niger (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)
    EB 2020/131/R.XXXXXXX - Regional lending operation - Joint Sahel Programme to Respond to the Challenges of COVID-19, Conflict and Climate Change (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    About 4 years ago (31/10/2020)
  • Security Other information is restricted to members of this committee. Login »
Previous Sessions Documents

Official Documents

Official Documents

Background: Project/programme proposals for consideration by the Executive Board

West and Central Africa

Central African Republic: Project to Improve the Productivity and Access to Markets of Agricultural products in the Savannah zones

Benin and Togo: Regional Programme for the Integration of Agricultural Markets

Regional lending operation - Joint Sahel Programme to Respond to the Challenges of COVID-19, Conflict and Climate Change

Niger: President’s memorandum: Proposed project restructuring in the Republic of the Niger

East and Southern Africa

Eritrea: Integrated Agriculture Development Project

United Republic of Tanzania: Agriculture and Fisheries Development Programme (AFDP)

Latin America and the Caribbean

Brazil: Planting Climate Resilience in Rural Communities of the North-east Project

Near East, North Africa and Europe

Yemen: Rural Livelihood Development Project (RLDP)

Information for Meeting Participants

Information for Meeting Participants

Invitation Letters

Invitation Letters