EB-Related Seminars and Events


23 November Executive Board Consultation on Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs), project/programme and grant proposals, and non-sovereign private sector operations
31 August Executive Board Consultation on Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs), project/programme and grant proposals, and non-sovereign private sector operations
20 - 21 April 2026 EB Annual Informal Meeting (AIM)
31 March Executive Board Consultation on Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs), project/programme and grant proposals, and non-sovereign private sector operations


12 - 13 May 2025 EB Annual Informal Meeting (AIM)
14 February Eighth Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
29 January Executive Board Informal Seminar on IFAD Strategic Framework 2025-2031
29 January Executive Board Informal Seminar on the Roadmap on IFAD's financial strategy options to 2030 and beyond


25 - 27 November Executive Board Consultation on Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs), project/programme and grant proposals
22 November Executive Board Informal Seminar on IFAD Strategic Framework 2025-2031
3 - 8 November Annual Country Visit of the IFAD Executive Board to the Republic of Tunisia
30 October Executive Board Informal Seminar on the IFAD Graduation Policy
9 October Executive Board Informal Seminar on Private Sector Operational Strategy 2025-2030
17 September Informal meeting of the Executive Board
11 - 12 September Executive Board Consultation on Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs), project/programme proposals, non-sovereign private sector operations
18 July Executive Board Informal Seminar on IFAD's financial strategy options for 2030 and beyond
20 June Executive Board Informal Seminar on IFAD’s Multiphase Adaptive Programmes (MAPs)
22 - 23 April 2024 Annual Informal Meeting (AIM) of the Executive Board
5 April Executive Board Consultation on COSOPs and Project/Programme/Grant proposals - Hybrid Meeting


26 - 2 November Annual Country Visit of the IFAD Executive Board to the Republic of Uganda
22 November Executive Board Consultation on COSOPs and Project/Programme proposals
21 November EB informal seminar on Update on Strategic Human Resources Management
30 October EB informal seminar on Non-sovereign private sector operation – Africa Rural Climate Adaptation Financing Mechanism (ARCAFIM)
9 October EB informal seminar on Progress update on IFAD’s Decentralization 2.0
12 September Informal pre-meeting of the 139th session of the Executive Board
4 September Executive Board Consultation on COSOPs/Projects/Programme/Grants/NSOs proposals
11 July EB informal seminar on updated approach for IFAD’s engagement in Fragile Situations
12 May Informal briefing on progress of work on “IFAD’s commitments to the food systems transformation agenda and engagement for the preparation of the Food Systems Stocktaking Moment”
8 - 9 May Eighth Executive Board Retreat
2 May CANCELLED - EB consultation on Project/programme and grant proposals for consideration by the Executive Board
21 March EB informal seminar on the Review of modalities of formal and informal sessions of the Executive Board and its subsidiary bodies
21 March EB informal seminar on IFAD Poverty Targeting Policy
22 February EB informal seminar on Update on the implementation of IFAD’s Asset and Liability Management Function in Treasury Division
22 February EB informal seminar on Update on the Integrated Borrowing Framework
22 February EB informal seminar on Update on IFAD's ordinary loans pricing


2 December Executive Board Consultation
19 - 26 November Annual Country Visit of the IFAD Executive Board to Sierra Leone
1 November EB Informal Seminar on IFAD’s 2023 Results-based Programme of Work and Regular budget
30 September EB informal seminar on Disability Inclusion Strategy
30 September EB seminar on Targeting Policy
30 September EB informal seminar on Updated IFAD Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples
31 August EB consultation on Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs), Project/programme/grant proposals and Non-Sovereign Private Sector operations
5 July EB informal seminar on IFAD11 Impact Assessment Report
4 May EB Informal Seminar on Introduction to Strategic Risk and Risk Management Reporting
28 - 29 April Seventh Executive Board Retreat
13 April EB consultation on Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs), Project/programme/grant proposals and Non-Sovereign Private Sector operations
17 February EB Informal Seminar on the Review of IFAD’s participation in the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative and potential ways forward
17 February EB Informal Seminar on IFAD Strategy for Engagement in Small Island Developing States: 2022-2027


7 December EB Consultation on Projects, Programmes, COSOPs and NSO
25 November EB Informal Seminar on the Revised Rural Finance Policy
5 November EB informal seminar on Mapping IFAD’s contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals
5 November EB informal seminar on Risk Management, Corporate Risk Dashboard and Risk Appetite Statement
5 November EB Informal Seminar on IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Strategy 2022-2024
2 November EB Informal Seminar on Utilization of Resources under the IFAD Regular Grants Programme for the Implementation of the IFAD Climate Facility
23 - 29 October Annual Country Visit of the IFAD Executive Board to the Arab Republic of Egypt
20 October Fifth Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
8 October Follow-up to the Sixth Executive Board Retreat: Informal meeting with Executive Board representatives on the outcomes of and follow up to the United Nations Food Systems Summit
5 October EB Informal Seminar on IFAD Biodiversity Strategy
5 October EB Informal Seminar on IFAD Strategy on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
7 September RESCHEDULED - Executive Board Consultation on Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs) and Country strategy and programme evaluation (CSPE)
6 September EB Informal Seminar on RIDE 2021: Highlighting IFAD’s portfolio and results
6 September Executive Board Consultation on COSOPs and Project/programme/grant proposals
22 July EB informal seminar on Smart Budget Allocation: Rationale, solutions and next steps
22 July EB informal seminar on IFAD’s Graduation Policy
22 July EB informal seminar on the Utilization of Resources under the IFAD Regular Grants Programme for the Implementation of the IFAD Climate Facility
6 July EB informal seminar on Evaluation synthesis report on “Infrastructure at IFAD”
6 July EB informal seminar on IOE Multi-year Evaluation Strategy
1 June EB informal seminar on the Integrated Borrowing Framework: Implementation tools and next steps
21 May EB informal seminar on Update on IFAD’s Private Sector work and Non Sovereign Operation - The Economic Enterprise Restart Fund (EERF): Uganda
18 - 19 May Sixth Executive Board Retreat
22 April EB informal seminar on IFAD’s engagement in the Food Systems Summit
14 April Executive Board Consultation on Project/programme/grant proposals
16 March EB informal seminar on on IFAD’s Regular Grants Policy
16 March EB informal seminar on Borrowed Resources Access Mechanism (BRAM) and Update to Financing Conditions
28 January EB informal seminar on Update to Financing Conditions


27 November EB informal seminar on Investment Proposal: Great Farm - Babban Gona – Nigeria
26 November Second testing session for an automated voting system at IFAD
5 November Testing session for an automated voting system at IFAD
3 November Executive Board Consultation on Project/programme/grant proposals
23 October Informal seminar on IFAD’s Regular Grants Policy
15 October Informal seminar on Future directions in the demand for external development assistance for inclusive sustainable rural development
6 October EB informal seminar on Update to Financing Conditions
6 October EB informal seminar on Borrowed Resource Access Mechanism (BRAM)
5 - 15 October E-Consultation on the Rural Resilience Programme (2RP)
22 September Executive Board Informal seminar on IFAD’s regular grants: A synthesis of results, lessons and future directions
21 September Executive Board Informal Seminar on the Updated Social, Environmental, and Climate Assessment Procedures (SECAP) 2020
21 September e-consultation on Operational Guidelines on IFAD’s Engagement in Pro-Poor Value Chain Development
7 September Informal Seminar on Proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedures of the Governing Council
3 September Executive Board Consultation on Project/programme/grant proposals - VIRTUAL MEETING
13 July EB informal seminar on Rural Resilience Programme - VIRTUAL MEETING
24 June EB informal seminar on Automated Voting - VIRTUAL MEETING
5 June e-consultation on Engaging rural youth at IFAD: An approach to connecting youth voices to action
26 May Executive Board informal seminar on the revised Evaluation Policy, the revised Terms of Reference of the Evaluation Committee; and the Independent Evaluation Product Mix - VIRTUAL MEETING
30 March Executive Board Consultation on Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes (COSOPs) and on Project/Programme/Grant proposals - CANCELLED
25 March Executive Board informal seminar on Targeted Capacity Investment (TCI) Implementation Plan - VIRTUAL MEETING
25 March Executive Board informal seminar on revised IFAD grants policy - CANCELLED
21 February Executive Board informal seminar on Programme description of the next phase of the Adaptation to Smallholder Agriculture Programme – ASAP+
21 February Executive Board informal seminar on IFAD Private sector financing programme
27 January EB informal seminar on Targeted capacity investment (TCI) implementation plan


29 November Training for Executive Board Representatives on key financial concepts
28 November Executive Board consultation on Project/programme proposals for consideration by the Executive Board
15 November Executive Board Consultation on Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes (COSOPs), on Progress report on Rome-based Agency Collaboration and on Engagement in the Reform of the United Nations Development System
13 November Executive Board informal seminar on IFAD's Financial Capacity Framework
13 November Executive Board informal seminar on Update on Credit Rating Process
24 - 25 October Follow-up session to the fifth Executive Board retreat
4 October EB informal seminar - Integrated framework for implementing transformational approaches to the mainstreaming themes (climate and environment, gender, nutrition and youth)
2 October Training session on IFAD’s enhanced financial architecture: Key Financial Concepts
27 September EB informal seminar - The economic activities of people with disabilities in rural areas: New evidence and opportunities for IFAD engagement
27 September EB informal seminar - IFAD Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) Strategy 2020 - 2025
13 September Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
9 September Governance session among Executive Board representatives
20 - 26 July Annual Country Visit of the IFAD Executive Board to the Republic of Cameroon
17 July Executive Board Consultation on Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes - Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and Republic of Tajikistan and Consultation on the Update on IFAD's Approach to Address the United Nations' Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
9 July EB informal seminar on the External Peer Review of the Evaluation Function
9 July Consultation on Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes and Country Strategy and Programme Evaluations for the Republic of Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
4 July Executive Board technical meeting on automated voting
2 July EB informal seminar on the Update and Discussion on Debt Sustainability Framework (DSF) Options
2 July EB informal seminar on Introduction to the IFAD12 Financial Architecture
2 July EB informal seminar on IFAD10 Impact Assessment Report
18 June Informal discussion with the Executive Board on the Revised Operational Guidelines on Targeting
5 June EB informal seminar on Private Sector Engagement Strategy
5 June EB informal seminar on Partnership Framework
31 May EB informal seminar on IFAD Delegation of Authority
31 May EB informal seminar on Targeting Guidelines
31 May POSTPONED - EB informal seminar on Framework for implementing transformational approaches to the mainstreaming themes (climate and environment, gender, nutrition and youth)
6 - 8 May Fifth Executive Board Retreat
29 April CANCELLED - EB informal seminar on Proposal on the Venue for the Forty-third Session of the IFAD Governing Council and the First Session of the Consultation on the Twelfth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources
16 April Consultation on Progress Reports and Dates for the 2020 Country Visit of the IFAD Executive Board
29 March EB informal seminar on Streamlining the approval of IFAD-funded Projects and Programmes
29 March Consultation on Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes and Country Strategy and Programme Evaluations
6 March EB informal seminar on Financially Sustainable Debt Sustainability Framework Mechanism
6 March EB informal seminar on IFAD's Private Sector Strategy
6 March Informal meeting with the Executive Board on governance
6 March EB informal seminar on Knowledge Management Strategy and Action Plan
30 January EB informal seminar on IFAD's Private Sector Strategy
30 January EB informal seminar on Special Programme for Countries with Fragile Situations


11 December EB informal seminar on Enterprise Risk Management
11 December EB informal seminar on the “Application of the Performance Based Allocation System for IFAD11”
19 November EB informal seminar on Knowledge Management Strategy
19 November EB informal seminar on country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs)
29 October EB informal seminar on IFAD's Debt Sustainability Framework (DSF)
9 October EB informal seminar on OpEx - Delegation of authority
8 October EB informal seminar on the External Review of IFAD's Risk Management Policies
14 September Informal Joint Meeting of the FAO Council, IFAD Executive Board and WFP Executive Board
11 September EB informal seminar on IFAD’s Transition Framework
10 September EB informal seminar on Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures (SECAP)
5 September EB informal seminar on the Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (CSPE) for the Republic of Cameroon
16 - 17 August Second joint visit of the Rome-based agency Executive Heads
26 July EB informal seminar on the country strategic opportunities programmes for the Republic of India and the Republic of Moldova
19 July EB Informal Seminar on Update of Financing Terms and on IFAD's Liquidity Policy and Minimum Liquidity Requirement
6 July Informal consultation on IFAD’s mainstreaming action plans and the framework for transformational approaches to IFAD’s mainstreaming agenda
14 June Technical Meeting on Select Financial Matters
14 June Briefing on the Newly Established Procedure to Access Internal Audit Reports
14 - 18 May Annual Country Visit of the IFAD Executive Board - the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
18 - 19 April Fourth Executive Board Retreat
26 March EB informal seminar on "Strengthening IFAD's capacity to deliver on the 2030 Agenda: engagement in the UN Reform, preparing to meet IFAD11 commitments and the OPEX exercise"
13 March EB informal seminar on IFAD’s Transition Framework
13 March Technical meeting on the Uganda National Oil Palm Project
13 March EB informal seminar - Country Strategic Opportunities Papers on the Republic of Benin and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
26 January EB informal seminar on IFAD’s Transition Framework


26 - 1 November Annual Country Visit of the IFAD Executive Board - People's Republic of Bangladesh
24 October Operational Excellence for Results (OpEx) including a briefing on IFAD's Engagement in "Repositioning the UN development system to deliver on the 2030 Agenda - Ensuring a Better Future for All"
24 October EB Informal Seminar on Increasing Transparency for Greater Accountability
17 October EB Informal Seminar on an Approach to a Transition Framework
15 September RBA Joint Informal Meeting
12 September EB Informal Seminar on COSOPs for Dominican Republic and Republic of Philippines
11 September EB Informal Seminar on an Approach to a Transition Framework
2 - 4 September RBAs Executive Heads - Country visit to Ethiopia
8 May Informal consultation to follow-up on discussions at the Executive Board retreat
11 - 12 April Third Executive Board Retreat
5 April Executive Board informal seminar on IFAD's Performance-Based Allocation System
5 April Executive Board informal seminar on the Update on IFAD’s Strategy for Borrowing
8 March Executive Board informal seminar on the Country strategic opportunities programme for Uzbekistan


13 December Executive Board informal seminar on "Collaboration among the United Nations Rome-based Agencies: Delivering on the 2030 Agenda"
21 - 25 November Annual Country Visit of the IFAD Executive Board - Federative Republic of Brazil
18 November CANCELLED-Joint FAO/IFAD/WFP presentation on "Collaborating among the United Nations Rome-based Agencies: Delivering on the 2030 Agenda"
3 November EB informal seminar on review of the IFAD10 Results Measurement Framework
3 November EB informal seminar on country strategic opportunities programmes for the Federal Republic of Nigeria
26 July EB informal seminar on Country strategic opportunities programme for Turkey
26 July EB informal seminar on Country strategic opportunities programme for Indonesia
5 July EB informal seminar on Development Effectiveness Framework
6 June EB informal seminar on IFAD's Approach to Corporate Planning: Moving from the Use of Clusters towards Strategic Framework Pillars
14 - 15 April Second Executive Board Retreat
4 March EB informal seminar on the Country strategic opportunities programme for the United Republic of Tanzania
4 February EB informal seminar on IFAD9 Impact Evaluation Initiative


15 December EB Informal Seminar on IFAD9 Impact Evaluation - POSTPONED
23 November EB Informal Seminar on Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes for Bolivia and Paraguay
23 November EB Informal Seminar on the IFAD Performance-based Allocation System
7 October EB Informal Seminar on the IFAD Strategic Framework 2016-2025
14 September EB Informal Seminar on Climate Mainstreaming in IFAD
30 June EB Informal Seminar on the IFAD Strategic Framework 2016-2025
24 April First Executive Board Retreat
21 April EB Informal Seminar on Country and Thematic Selectivity
19 March EB Informal Seminar on Country strategic opportunities programme for El Salvador
19 March EB Informal Seminar on Sovereign Borrowing Framework


11 December EB Informal Seminar on General Framework for Borrowing by IFAD
6 November EB Informal Seminar on the Country strategic opportunities programmes for Madagascar and Ecuador
8 September EB Informal Seminar on Code of Conduct for Executive Board Representatives
17 July EB Informal Seminar on IFAD9 Impact Evaluation Initiative
12 - 16 May Annual Country Visit of the IFAD Executive Board - United Republic of Tanzania
27 March EB Informal Seminar on KfW Loan Negotiations
3 March EB informal seminar on the Country strategic opportunities programmes for Mexico and Myanmar
24 January EB Informal Seminar on the Updated IFAD Country Presence Strategy (2014-2015)


10 December EB Informal Seminar on "Exploring Strategic Options for additional resource mobilization" (9-11 a.m.)
10 December EB Informal Seminar on "Strategic Vision for IFAD: 2016-2018 and beyond" (11.15 a.m.-1.15 p.m.)
25 October EB Informal Seminar on the "Republic of Sudan - Country strategic opportunities programme"
18 September Lunch briefing session on "Perspectives from the work of the International Land Coalition on addressing current and emerging land governance challanges" (from 1.30 p.m. to 2.45 p.m.)
17 September Informal Seminar on "Climate Reslience and ASAP - the Who, the Why, the What, the Where and the When" (from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
17 September Lunch briefing session on "IFAD's engagement in the post-2015 process" (from 1.15 p.m. to 2.45 p.m.)
9 April EB Informal Seminar on Additional Resource Mobilization for IFAD Initiative (3.00 p.m.-5.00 p.m.)


19 September EB Informal Seminar on Alternative Resource Mobilization for IFAD (10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m)


12 December EB Seminar - IFAD’s strategy for partnership and collaboration (from 9 to 11 a.m.)
13 September EB Seminar - Code of Conduct for Executive Board Members (from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.)
13 September EB Seminar - Deepening IFAD’s Engagement with the Private Sector (from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.)
13 September EB Seminar - IFAD’s Policy on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (from 11.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.)
16 March EB Seminar - Human Resources Management Reform (2.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.)
16 March EB Seminar - Changes to IFAD's Investment Policy and Minimum Liquidity Requirement (9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.)
2 March EB Seminar - IFAD's Engagement with Middle-Income Countries (2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.)
2 March EB Seminar - IFAD Strategic Framework 2011-2015 (4.15 p.m. - 6.15 p.m.)


13 December EB Seminar - Guidelines for Rapid Disaster Response - 13 December 2010 (from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.)
13 December EB Seminar - IFAD’s Country Presence: Self-assessment and Proposed Strategy - 13 December 2010 (from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m)
13 December EB Seminar - Environment and Natural Resources Policy - 13 December 2010 (from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
13 December EB Seminar - Corporate-level Evaluation of IFAD’s Performance with regard to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment - 13 December 2010 (from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.)
14 September 14 September 2010 (11.30am - 13.30pm) - EB Informal Seminar - IFADs Policy on Engagement with Middle Income Countries
14 September 14 September 2010 (9.30am - 11.30am) - EB Informal Seminar - IFADs Strategic Framework
14 September 14 September 2010 (15-17pm) - EB Informal Seminar - Financing Policies and Criteria
20 April 20 April 2010 (3 p.m. - 5 p.m.) - EB Informal Seminar - Medium Term Plan, Strategic Workforce Plan and Zero-based Budget
20 April 20 April 2010 (11.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m.) - EB Informal Seminar - Measuring Results and Monitoring Performance in IFAD
20 April 20 April 2010 (09.30 a.m. - 11.30 a.m.) - EB Informal Seminar - Reform of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research and IFAD's Role


14 December 14 December 2009 (11.00-13.30) - EB Informal Seminar - IFAD's Climate Change Strategy - Key Questions for Consultation
14 December 14 December 2009 (14.30-17.00) - EB Informal Seminar - The final report of the AfDB/IFAD joint evaluation on Agriculture and Rural Development in Africa
11 September 11 September 2009 (13.30-16.30) - EB Informal Seminar - Revision of the lending policies and criteria
11 September 11 September 2009 (16.30-17.30) - EB Informal Seminar - Programme of work and budget
11 September 11 September 2009 (9.00-12.00) - EB Informal Seminar - IFAD's new operating model and improving EB approval process
10 September 10 September 2009 (14.30-17.00) - EB Informal Seminar - Revised IFAD Grant Financing Policy
28 April 28 April 2009 (am) - EB Informal Seminar - IFAD’s Results Measurement Framework 2010-2012
28 April 28 April 2009 (pm) - EB Informal Seminar - IFAD’s Engagement with Indigenous Peoples
27 April 27 April 2009 (am) - EB Informal Seminar - Revisions to the General Conditions for Agricultural Development Financing
27 April 27 April 2009 (pm) - EB Informal Seminar - IFAD’s Procedures for Environmental Management and Sustainable Development


15 December 15 December 2008 - EB Informal Seminar - Update on Rural Finance Policy
15 December 15 December 2008 - EB Informal Seminar - IFAD's Country Presence
9 September 9 September 2008 - EB Informal Seminar - Project Review Process
9 September 9 September 2008 - EB Informal Seminar - Reforming HR Management in IFAD


11 December 11 December 2007 - EB Informal Seminar - Action Plan
10 December 10 December 2007 - EB Informal Seminar - Audit Committee
10 September 10 September 2007 (am) - EB Informal Seminar - Development Effectiveness Report
10 September 10 September 2007 (pm) - EB Informal Seminar - IFAD's Future Field Presence
28 June 28 June 2007 - EB Informal Seminar - IFAD Strategy for Innovation
16 April 16 April 2007 - EB Informal Seminar - IFAD's Result Measurement Framework
16 April 16 April 2007 - EB Informal Seminar - Proposed Debt Sustainability Framework
16 April 16 April 2007 - EB Informal Seminar - IFAD Strategy for Innovation
16 February 16 February 2007 - EB Informal Meeting - Proposed Debt Sustainability Framework
8 February 8 February 2007 - EB Informal Meeting - Strategy for Knowledge Management
25 January 25 January 2007 - Informal Seminar on Knowledge Management


12 December 12 December 2006 - EB Informal Seminar - IFAD Policy on Supervision
12 September 12 September 2006 - EB Informal Seminar on Action Plan
21 June 21 June 2006 - Informal Seminar on Targeting
31 March 31 March 2006 - PBAS Seminar


27 June 27 June 2005 - Informal Executive Board Consultation on IEE & PBAS
20 April 20-04-05 Informal EB Meeting on IEE


17 June 17-06-04 Asset Liability Management Review Implementation Status
17 June 17-06-04 Private Sector Development and Partnership Strategy


11 November Activity Based Budgeting
11 November Audit Committee Seminar on Asset Liability Management
7 November 7 November 2003 - PBAS Panel
29 August 29 August 2003 - PBAS Seminar
3 July 3 July 2003 - PBAS Seminar


9 December 9-12-02 Informal Seminar on Programme of Work and Administrative Budget of IFAD for 2003

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