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IFAD Corporate Induction

Meeting Corporate Induction Seminars and Briefing Sessions
Dates Ended 3 months ago (08/10/2024)



  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:

    SEC PPT - IFAD's Governance (English)
    RMO PPT - Enterprise Risk Management Office (English)
    GPR PPT - IFAD13 Replenishment (English)
    AUO PPT - Internal Audit and Investigations (English)
    MSD/DCO PPT - Regional and country specific insights (English)
    ETH PPT - IFAD's Ethics Office at a glance (English)
    ERD PPT - External Relations Department (English)
    IOE PPT - Independent Office of Evaluation (English)
    POB PPT - Institutional reforms for operational effectiveness and field impact (English)
    OPR/RIA PPT - IFAD’s approach to development effectiveness (English)

    2 months ago (09/10/2024)
  • Security Other information is restricted to members of this committee. Login »
Previous Sessions Documents

Official Documents

Official Documents

Background documentation

Provisional agenda

IFAD's Governance

Enterprise Risk Management Office

External Relations Department

IFAD13 Replenishment

Institutional reforms for operational effectiveness and field impact

IFAD’s approach to development effectiveness

Independent Office of Evaluation

Internal Audit and Investigations

IFAD's Ethics Office at a glance

Regional and country specific insights

Information for Meeting Participants

Information for Meeting Participants

Invitation Letters

Invitation Letters