Recent News
- Forty-fifth session of the Governing Council
Forty-fifth session of the Governing Council
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
Forty-fifth session of the Governing Council
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
GC 45/INF.3 - Financial highlights of the year ended 31 December 2021 (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)GC 45/L.4/Add.1 - IFAD’s 2022 results-based programme of work and regular and capital budgets, the IOE results-based work programme and budget for 2022 and indicative plan for 2023-2024, and the HIPC and PBAS progress reports - (English) - Forty-fifth session of the Governing Council
- Twelfth Special Session of the Executive Board
- 116th session of the Evaluation Committee
- Pre-GC45 informal webinar - The Private Sector Financing Programme as a catalyst, convener and aggregator of private capital for investments
IFAD Corporate Induction
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
IOE PPT - The Evaluation Function in IFAD (English)AUO PPT - Function and role of audit and oversight (English)SKD PPT - An Overview of IFAD: Who, What, Where and Why (English)CSD PPT - IFAD’s transformational institutional change (English)ERG PPT - Introduction to global engagement, partnerships and resource mobilization (English)FOD PPT - Introduction to IFAD as a development finance institution (English)PMD PPT - Introduction to IFAD’s Operations (English)SEC PPT - Introduction to Governance at IFAD (English)LEG PPT - The Legal Function in IFAD (English)ETH PPT - Ethics in IFAD (English)COM PPT - Global Communication and External Advocacy (English)RMO PPT - Risk Management at IFAD (English) - Pre-GC45 informal webinar - Sahel, a land of opportunities
Executive Board
Gentle Reminder: Approval through vote by correspondence – Concessional Partner Loan Agreement with the Republic of India to Support the IFAD12 Programme of Loans and Grants
Distinguished Executive Board representatives,
Further to our communication dated 26 January 2022, this is a gentle reminder regarding the call for a vote by correspondence to consider document EB 2022/VBC/1 and the recommendation contained therein.
A written reply, specifying the vote cast (“yes”, “no” or “abstain”) should be submitted by midnight (Rome time), Friday, 4 February 2022.
You may view the communication in the four official languages of the fund at the following links [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
Highest consideration,
Office of the Secretary