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REPL.VI/2/INF.6/Rev.1 2nd Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
Concluding Statement by the Chairman

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/2/INF.4 2nd Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
International Development Association (IDA 13) – HIPC Debt Relief Trust Fund Support for Regional and Sub-Regional Multilateral Creditors

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/2/INF.3/Rev.2 2nd Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
List of Participants at the Second Session of the Consultation on the Sixth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/2/INF.2 2nd Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
Information Note – The Use of Advance Commitment Authority in IDA and AsDF

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/2/INF.1 2nd Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
Arrangements for the Second Session of the Consultation on the Sixth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/2/R.2 2nd Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
Operationalizing IFAD's Strategic Framework during the Sixth Replenishment Period (2004-2006)

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/2/R.1/Rev.1 2nd Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/1/INF.1 1st Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
List of Participants

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/1/R.8/Rev.1 1st Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
Summary of Discussions


REPL.VI/1/R.7 1st Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
External Review of the Results and Impact of IFAD Operations

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/1/R.5 1st Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
Enabling the Rural Poor to Overcome their Poverty: Report of the Consultation on the Sixth Replenishment of IFAD's Resources

English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/1/R.4 1st Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
External Review of the Results and Impact of IFAD Operations

English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/1/R.3 1st Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
Progress Report on the IFAD V: Plan of Action (2000-2002)

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/1/R.2 1st Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment
Sessions and Workplan of the Consultation on the Sixth Replenishment of IFAD's Resources

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VI/1/R.1/Rev.1 1st Session - Consultation on the 6th Replenishment

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

GC35 Schedule 35th Session of the Governing Council
Schedule of Events

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

GC35 Concept note 35th Session of the Governing Council
Sustainable smallholder agriculture: Feeding the world, protecting the planet

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

35th Session of the Governing Council
Invitation to the "Haiti Post-Earthquake Support Programme for Food Security and Employment Generation in Affected Areas (PASAC)" event

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

35th Session of the Governing Council
Invitation for a Briefing on the Mexican Presidency of the G20

English | Spanish

GC 35/L.9 35th Session of the Governing Council
Election of members and alternate members of the Executive Board

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

GC 35/L.11 35th Session of the Governing Council
Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 98/65/closing statement Sixty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Closing statement by President Al-Sultan

English | French | Spanish

EB/65 Sixty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Minutes of the Sixty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board

English | French | Spanish

EB 98/65/INF.6 Sixty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
The Impact of the Euro on IFAD

English | French | Spanish

EB 98/65/INF.5 Sixty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board
Provisional List of Participants to the Sixty-Fifth Session of the Executive Board

English | French | Spanish

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