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Code Title Date
EC 2002/30/W.P.2 Thirtieth Session of the Evaluation Committee
Work Programme for 2002 of the Office of Evaluation and Studies - Office of the President

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EC 2002/30/W.P.1 Thirtieth Session of the Evaluation Committee
Provisional Agenda

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EC 2001/29/W.P.3 Twenty-Ninth Session of the Evaluation Committee
Practical Guide on Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural Development Projects

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EC 2001/29/W.P.2 Twenty-Ninth Session of the Evaluation Committee
Thematic Evaluation – Electronic Networking for Rural Asia/Pacific (ENRAP) – Executive Summary

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EC 2001/29/W.P.1 Twenty-Ninth Session of the Evaluation Committee
Provisional Agenda

English | French

EC 2001/28/W.P.4 Twenty-Eight Session of the Evaluation Committee
Budget Structure of the Office of Evaluation and Studies

English | French | Spanish

EC 2001/28/W.P.3 Twenty-Eight Session of the Evaluation Committee
China: Thematic Study on Rural Financial Services – Executive Summary

English | French | Spanish

EC 2001/28/W.P.2 Twenty-Eight Session of the Evaluation Committee
Thematic Evaluation: Agricultural Extension and Support for Farmer Innovation in Western and Central Africa: Assessment and Outlook for IFAD - Executive Summary

English | French | Spanish

EC 2001/28/W.P.1 Twenty-Eight Session of the Evaluation Committee
Provisional Agenda

English | French | Spanish

EC 2001/27/W.P.4 Twenty-Seventh Session of the Evaluation Committee
Mozambique: Interim Evaluation of the Nampula Artisanal Fisheries Project - Understanding at Completion Point

English | French | Spanish

EC 2001/27/W.P.3 Twenty-Seventh Session of the Evaluation Committee
Mozambique: Interim Evaluation - Nampula Artisanal Fisheries Project - Executive Summary

English | French | Spanish

EC 2001/27/W.P.2 Twenty-Seventh Session of the Evaluation Committee
Syria: Country Programme Evaluation - Executive Summary

English | French | Spanish

EC 2001/27/W.P.1 Twenty-Seventh Session of the Evaluation Committee
Provisional Agenda

English | French | Spanish

EC 2000/26/W.P.3 Twenty-Sixth Session of the Evaluation Committee
Viet Nam: Country Programme Review and Evaluation – Executive Summary

English | French | Spanish

EC 2000/26/W.P.2/Rev.1 Twenty-Sixth Session of the Evaluation Committee
2001 Work Programme of the Office of Evaluation and Studies

English | French | Spanish

EC 2000/26W.P.1 Twenty-Sixth Session of the Evaluation Committee
Provisional Agenda

English | French | Spanish

EC2000/25/W.P.3/Rev.1 Twenty-Fifth Session of the Evaluation Committee
Strengthening IFAD's Support to the Development of Effective and Efficient Monitoring and Evaluation Systems – Methodological Study – A Synthesis of Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Future Action

English | French | Spanish

EC 2000/25/W.P.2 Twenty-Fifth Session of the Evaluation Committee
Evaluation Report: IFAD/NGO Extended Cooperation Programme (ECP)

English | French | Spanish

EC 2000/25W.P.1 Twenty-Fifth Session of the Evaluation Committee
Provisional Agenda

English | French | Spanish

REPL.VIII/5/INF.2 5th Session - Consultation on the 8th Replenishment
Closing statement of the chairperson

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VIII/5/INF.1 5th Session - Consultation on the 8th Replenishment
Arrangements for the fifth session of the Consultation on the Eighth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VIII/5/R.2/Add.1 5th Session - Consultation on the 8th Replenishment
Draft Resolution on the Eighth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VIII/5/R.2/Rev.1 5th Session - Consultation on the 8th Replenishment
Draft Report of the Consultation on the Eighth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VIII/5/R.1/Rev.1 5th Session - Consultation on the 8th Replenishment

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

REPL.VIII/4/INF.3 4th Session - Consultation on the 8th Replenishment
Closing statement of the chairperson

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

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