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Code Title Date
119th session of the Executive Board
Tentative schedule of events

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EC 2016/95/W.P.1/Rev.3 Ninety-fifth session of the Evaluation Committee

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EC/94/Rev.1 Ninety-fourth session of the Evaluation Committee
Minutes of the ninety-fourth session of the Evaluation Committee

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/119/R.16 119th session of the Executive Board
Malawi: COSOP

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/119/R.4 119th session of the Executive Board
IFAD strategy for engagement in countries with fragile situations

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2015/116/R.2 116th session of the Executive Board
IFAD's 2016 results-based programme of work and regular and capital budgets, and the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD’s results-based work programme and budget for 2016 and indicative plan for 2017-2018, and the HIPC and PBAS progress reports

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/119/R.45 119th session of the Executive Board
Collaboration among the United Nations Rome-based Agencies: Delivering on the 2030 Agenda

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/119/R.46 119th session of the Executive Board
Draft programme of events for the fortieth session of the Governing Council

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EC 2016/95/W.P.3 Ninety-fifth session of the Evaluation Committee
IFAD corporate decentralization plan

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EC 2016/95/W.P.2 Ninety-fifth session of the Evaluation Committee
Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s decentralization experience

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EC 2016/95/W.P.4/Rev.1 Ninety-fifth session of the Evaluation Committee
Proposal for a peer review of the evaluation function at IFAD

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/LOT/G.6 Lapse Of Time
Fundación Capital (Fundak): Promoting the Financial Inclusion of Young Rural Women Project

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EB 2016/LOT/G.5 Lapse Of Time
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT): A common journey: Capacity Development on Climate Smart Agriculture in Central America to Strengthen Policies and Decision Making for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Actions

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EC 2016/95/W.P.5 Ninety-fifth session of the Evaluation Committee
Revision to the minutes of the ninety-fourth session of the Evaluation Committee

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/119/R.5 119th session of the Executive Board
Approach to the review of the performance-based allocation system

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016 FFP11 (EB) 119th session of the Executive Board
Planned global, regional and country activities

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/119/R.6 119th session of the Executive Board
IFAD’s approach to South-South and triangular cooperation

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/119/R.15 119th session of the Executive Board
Ethiopia: COSOP

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/119/R.33 119th session of the Executive Board
Proposal for the provision of "seed money" for two strategic initiatives: (i) the scaling up of the Participatory Natural Resource Management Programme through the IFAD Fund for Gaza and the West Bank; and (ii) the Rural Economic Growth and Employment Project in Jordan through the IFAD Facility for Refugees, Migrants, Forced Displacement and Rural Stability

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/119/R.18 119th session of the Executive Board
Pakistan: COSOP

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EB 2016/119/R.30 119th session of the Executive Board
Grant under the regional/private sector grant window to MicroInsurance Centre for Managing Risks for Rural Development: Promoting Microinsurance Innovations

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EB 2016/119/R.14 119th session of the Executive Board
Colombia: COSOP

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EB 2016/119/R.20 119th session of the Executive Board
Proposed amendments to the instrument establishing the trust fund for the IFAD Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/119/R.44 119th session of the Executive Board
Principles of Conduct for Representatives on the Executive Board of IFAD

Arabic | English | French | Spanish

EB 2016/119/R.32 119th session of the Executive Board
Dates of the IFAD Executive Board country visit for 2017 to the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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