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  • 105th session of the Executive Board

    New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:

    EB 2012/105/R.1/Rev.1 - Provisional agenda (English) (French) (Spanish)
    EB 2012/105/R.1/Rev.1/Add.1 - Provisional agenda - (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    Over 12 years ago (21/03/2012)
  • 105th session of the Executive Board

    New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:

    EB 2012/105/R.38 - Estimated principal and net service charge payments forgone as a result of the implementation of the Debt Sustainability Framework (French)
    EB 2012/105/INF.2 - 2011 Grants under the global/regional and country-specific grant windows approved by the President (Spanish)
    EB 2012/105/R.40 - Consolidated financial statements of IFAD as at 31 December 2011 (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)
    EB 2012/105/R.38/Corr.1 - Estimated principal and net service charge payments forgone as a result of the implementation of the Debt Sustainability Framework - (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    Over 12 years ago (17/03/2012)
  • 105th session of the Executive Board

    New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    EB 2012/105/R.6 - Viet Nam: Country strategic opportunities programme (Spanish)

    Over 12 years ago (16/03/2012)
  • 105th session of the Executive Board

    New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:

    EB 2012/105/INF.2 - 2011 Grants under the global/regional and country-specific grant windows approved by the President (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)
    EB 2012/105/R.7 - Resources available for commitment (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)
    EB 2012/105/R.33 - Report on the status of contributions to the Ninth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources - First Report (Arabic) (French) (Spanish)

    Over 12 years ago (15/03/2012)
  • 105th session of the Executive Board

    New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:

    EB 2012/105/R.45 - Proposal for a trust fund for the Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)
    EB 2012/105/R.6 - Viet Nam: Country strategic opportunities programme (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    Over 12 years ago (14/03/2012)
  • 105th session of the Executive Board

    New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:

    EB 2012/105/R.35 - Report on IFAD’s investment portfolio for 2011 (Arabic) (French) (Spanish)
    EB 2012/105/R.2 - IFAD Policy on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (Arabic) (French) (Spanish)
    EB 2012/105/R.33 - Report on the status of contributions to the Ninth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources (English)
    EB 2012/105/R.27 - Planned project activities 2012-2013 (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)
    EB 2012/105/R.29 - Annual Report on Enterprise Risk Management Activities in IFAD (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    Over 12 years ago (10/03/2012)
  • Seventy-first session of the Evaluation Committee

    New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    EC 2012/71/W.P.2 - Minutes of the seventieth session (English)

    Over 12 years ago (09/03/2012)
  • Seventy-first session of the Evaluation Committee

    New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:

    EC 2012/71/W.P.6 - IFAD's policy on gender equality and women's empowerment (English)
    EC 2012/71/W.P.5 - Approach paper on the corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's direct supervision and implementation support policy (English)

    Over 12 years ago (08/03/2012)
  • 35th Session of the Governing Council

    New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    GC 35/Closing - Statement by the Vice-Chairperson, His Excellency Miguel Ruiz Cabañas Izquierdo, closing the Thirty-fifth session of the Governing Council (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    Over 12 years ago (08/03/2012)
  • 105th session of the Executive Board

    New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:

    EB 2012/105/R.2 - IFAD Policy on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (English)
    EB 2012/105/R.9 - Nigeria: Value Chain Development Programme - Project Design Report (English)
    EB 2012/105/R.19 - Tonga: Tonga Rural Innovation Project - Project Design Report (English)
    EB 2012/105/R.22 - Mexico: Rural Development Project in the Mixteca Region and the Mazahua Zone - Project Design Report (Spanish)
    EB 2012/105/R.25 - Uzbekistan: Horticultural Support Project - Project Design Report (English)
    EB 2012/105/R.11 - Kenya: Upper Tana Catchments Natural Resources Management Project - Project Design Report (English)
    EB 2012/105/R.15 - Cambodia: Project for Agricultural Development and Economic Empowerment - Project Design Report (English)

    Over 12 years ago (08/03/2012)