These proposals are posted for Executive Board representatives' review in accordance with rule 24 of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board, which sets out the lapse-of-time (LOT) procedure for the approval of IFAD-funded projects and programmes, approved by the Executive Board in December 2009 (EB 2009/98/R.15/Rev.1) and further revised in September 2010 (EB 2010/100/R.41/Rev.1), September 2012 (EB 2012/106/R.9), May 2019 (EB 2019/126/R.48/Rev.2), and September 2023 (EB 2023/139/R.16/Rev.1).

IFAD-financed project/programme proposals, eligible for approval through the LOT procedure, shall:

·        Not exceed a financing ceiling of US$50 million;

·        Not be classified as "track 1" (high-risk operations).

IFAD-financed non-sovereign private sector operations, eligible for approval through the LOT procedure, shall:

·        Not exceed a financing ceiling of US$25 million

In accordance with the Policy for IFAD Grant Financing, IFAD-financed grant proposals up to and including US$500,000 may be approved by the President of IFAD, while those in excess of US$500,000 are approved by the Executive Board through the LOT procedure.

Any Executive Board member may request that a proposal submitted for approval through the LOT procedure be submitted to a formal Board session for consideration. In accordance with rule 24 of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board, in the absence of a request from an Executive Board representative for a proposal to be discussed at a formal session of the Board, the proposal is considered approved after the lapse of a period of 21 calendar days from the date of posting of the document and transmission of the communication announcing its posting.

Resource coverage would be ensured for these proposals as attested in the Resources Available for Commitment (RAC) document presented at each December session.

For Approval

For Approval

No documents are currently under review



Liberia: Tree Crops Extension Project (TCEP)

Approved on 30 December 2015

Bangladesh: President's memorandum — Coastal Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Project – Additional loan

Approved on 30 December 2015

Liberia: Rural Community Finance Project

Approved on 30 December 2015

Tajikistan: Livestock and Pasture Development Project II

Approved on 12 December 2015

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Rural Competitiveness Development Programme

Approved on 12 December 2015

Mexico: Rural Productive Inclusion Project

Approved on 28 November 2015

Paraguay: Project for Improved Family and Indigenous Production in Departments of Eastern Paraguay

Approved on 28 November 2015

Centre for Development and Environment of the University of Bern for Scaling up Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Practices by Smallholder Farmers: Working with Agricultural Extension Services to Identify, Assess and Disseminate SLM Practices

Approved on 30 December 2015

World Rural Forum (WRF) for Beyond IYFF 2014: Support to National Committees for Family Farming

Approved on 30 December 2015

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA): Supporting Smallholder Farmers in Asia and the Pacific-Islands Region through Strengthened Agricultural Advisory Services

Approved on 30 December 2015

Heifer International: Dairy-Hub-Model Integration into IFAD-funded Projects

Approved on 30 December 2015

Country Specific Grant for Cabo Verde: Strengthening the National Monitoring and Evaluation System

Approved on 30 December 2015

McGill University: Strengthening Capacity of Local Actors on Nutrition-Sensitive Agrifood Value Chains in Zambia and Malawi

Approved on 30 December 2015

National Federation of Agricultural Producers from Moldova (AGROinform): Promoting Inclusive Horticultural Value Chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Moldova

Approved on 30 December 2015

El Salvador: National Programme of Rural Economic Transformation for Living Well - Rural Adelante

Approved on 12 December 2015

PRISMA Foundation: Support to the Programme for Rural Regional Dialogue – Central America and Dominican Republic

Approved on 12 December 2015

India: President's memorandum — Post-Tsunami Sustainable Livelihoods Programme for the Coastal Communities of Tamil Nadu– Additional loan

Approved on 12 December 2015

Turkey: Göksu Taşeli Watershed Development Project

Approved on 12 December 2015

International Land Coalition (ILC): Country Specific: Fostering Good Land Governance for Inclusive Agricultural Development in the United Republic of Tanzania

Approved on 12 December 2015

University of the Andes (UNIANDES): Improving the Articulation Between Social Protection and Rural Development Interventions in Developing Countries: Lessons from Latin America and Africa

Approved on 12 December 2015

President's report on proposed grants under the global/regional grants window to the CGIAR-supported international centres: International Livestock Research Institute; International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center; Center for International Forestry Research; International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas

Approved on 12 December 2015

Kenya: President's memorandum — Smallholder Dairy Commercialization Programme – Additional loan

Approved on 4 December 2015

President's report on proposed grants under the global/regional grants window to the CGIAR-supported international centres for:International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)- WorldFish Centre - World Agroforestry Centre

Approved on 4 December 2015

Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO): Earth Observation Technologies for Well-informed Decisions in Transforming Smallholder Agriculture in West and Central Africa

Approved on 4 December 2015

Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation: Capitalizing on Experiences for Greater Impact in Rural Development

Approved on 4 December 2015

Columbia University/Global Association of Masters in Development Practice: IFAD-Universities Win-Win Partnership: Engaging Students with IFAD-Supported Operations and IFAD Partners

Approved on 4 December 2015

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI): Programme on Agricultural Transformation and Market Integration in the ASEAN Region: Responding to Food Security and Inclusiveness Concerns

Approved on 4 December 2015

Fundação Arthur Bernardes (FUNARBE): Adapting Knowledge for Sustainable Agriculture and Access to Markets Programme

Approved on 28 November 2015

Country Specific Grant for The Philippines: Fisheries, Coastal Resources and Livelihoods Project

Approved on 28 November 2015

Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation: Leveraging the Development of Local Food Crops and Fisheries Value Chains for Improved Nutrition and Sustainable Food Systems in the Pacific Islands

Approved on 28 November

Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation: Asia training programme for scaling up pro-poor value chains

Approved on 28 November 2015

International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA): Rehabilitation and Management of Salt-Affected Soils to Improve Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia and South Sudan

Approved on 28 November 2015

Ethiopia: President's memorandum — Pastoral Community Development Project III — Additional loan

Approved on 28 November 2015

Cambodia: President's memorandum — Project for Agricultural Development and Economic Empowerment (PADEE) — Additional loan

Approved on 28 November 2015

Gambia (The): President's memorandum — Strengthening Climate Resilience of the National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project – Additional grant

Approved on 28 November 2015

Ecuador - Modification to the terms of the loan for the Project to Strengthen Rural Actors in the Popular and Solidary Economy (FAREPS) -

Approved on 13 November 2015

Country Specific grant for Cameroon: Aquaculture Entrepreneurship Promotion Project

Approved on 6 November 2015

International Land Coalition (ILC): Programme on Promoting People-Centred Land Governance with ILC Members

Approved on 6 November 2015

Senegal: President's memorandum - Agricultural Value Chains Support Project (PAFA) – additional loan

Approved on 12 September 2015

National Institute of Agronomic Research of Algeria: Programme for Inclusive Value Chain Development through South-South Cooperation in the Near East and North Africa Region

Approved on 11 October 2015

Disclaimer: The United States, in light of its policy and legislative mandates, opposes the proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to the National Institute of Agronomic Research of Algeria for the Programme for Inclusive Value Chain Development through South-South Cooperation in the Near East and North Africa Region.

Farm Radio International: New Alliance ICT Extension Challenge Fund

Approved on 12 September 2015

Regional Programme for Rural Development Training (PROCASUR) Corporation: Strengthening Capacities and Tools to Scale Up and Disseminate Innovations Programme

Approved on 12 September 2015

International Potato Centre – Programme for Strengthening Innovation to Improve Income, Food Security and Resilience of Potato Producers

Approved on 12 September 2015

Honduras: President's memorandum - allocation of funds to the Project for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development in the South-Western Border Region (PRO-LENCA) deriving from cancellation of the Horizontes del Norte project

Approved on 12 September 2015

Bangladesh: National Agricultural Technology Programme – Phase II Project

Approved on 7 September 2015

Ecuador: Project to Strengthen Rural Actors in the Popular and Solidary Economy (FAREPS)

Approved on 7 September 2015

Madagascar: President's memorandum: Support Programme for Rural Microenterprise Poles and Regional Economies (PROSPERER) -additional financing

Approved on 7 September 2015

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of): Sustainable Rural Development Project for Food Security in the Semi-arid Zones of Lara and Falcon States - PROSALAFA III

Approved on 7 September 2015

Disclaimer: The United States, in light of its policy and legislative mandates, opposes the proposed loan to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the Sustainable Rural Development Project for Food Security in the Semi-arid Zones of Lara and Falcon States.

President's Report on a proposed grant modification under the global/regional grants window to a non CGIAR-supported international centre International: Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)

Approved on 7 September 2015

Bhutan: Commercial Agriculture and Resilient Livelihoods Enhancement Programme

Approved on 7 September 2015

Congo: Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Project (PD-PAC)

Approved on 7 September 2015

Bolivia (Plurinational State of): Integral Strengthening Programme for the Camelid Value Chain in the Bolivian High Plateau

Approved on 7 September 2015

Viet Nam: President's memorandum: Commodity-Oriented Poverty Reduction Programme in Ha Giang Province - additional loan

Approved on 7 September 2015

Swaziland: Proposed loan and grant for the Smallholder Market-led Project

Approved on 22 April 2015

Fiji: Agricultural Partnerships Project

Approved on 17 April 2015

Guinea-Bissau: Economic Development Project for the Southern Regions (PADES)

Approved on 17 April 2015

Lao People's Democratic Republic: President's memorandum - Proposed ASAP grant to the Smallholder Adaptation to Climate Change Component – ASAP component of the Southern Laos Food and Nutrition Security and Market Linkages Programme

Approved on 8 May 2015

Tanzania: President's memorandum – Proposal for additional financing for the Agricultural Sector Development Programme – Livestock: Support for Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Development (Zanzibar Subprogramme)

Approved on 22 April 2015

The Gambia: President's memorandum - Proposed additional loan and grant for the National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project

Approved on 22 April 2015

Angola: Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture Project

Approved on 10 April 2015

Solomon Islands: Rural Development Programme - Phase II

Approved on 11 March 2015