These proposals are posted for Executive Board representatives' review in accordance with rule 24 of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board, which sets out the lapse-of-time (LOT) procedure for the approval of IFAD-funded projects and programmes, approved by the Executive Board in December 2009 (EB 2009/98/R.15/Rev.1) and further revised in September 2010 (EB 2010/100/R.41/Rev.1), September 2012 (EB 2012/106/R.9), May 2019 (EB 2019/126/R.48/Rev.2), and September 2023 (EB 2023/139/R.16/Rev.1).

IFAD-financed project/programme proposals, eligible for approval through the LOT procedure, shall:

·        Not exceed a financing ceiling of US$50 million;

·        Not be classified as "track 1" (high-risk operations).

IFAD-financed non-sovereign private sector operations, eligible for approval through the LOT procedure, shall:

·        Not exceed a financing ceiling of US$25 million

In accordance with the Policy for IFAD Grant Financing, IFAD-financed grant proposals up to and including US$500,000 may be approved by the President of IFAD, while those in excess of US$500,000 are approved by the Executive Board through the LOT procedure.

Any Executive Board member may request that a proposal submitted for approval through the LOT procedure be submitted to a formal Board session for consideration. In accordance with rule 24 of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board, in the absence of a request from an Executive Board representative for a proposal to be discussed at a formal session of the Board, the proposal is considered approved after the lapse of a period of 21 calendar days from the date of posting of the document and transmission of the communication announcing its posting.

Resource coverage would be ensured for these proposals as attested in the Resources Available for Commitment (RAC) document presented at each December session.

For Approval

For Approval

No documents are currently under review



Jordan: Rural Economic Growth and Employment Project

Approved on 12 December 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Strengthening decent rural employment opportunities for young women and men in the Caribbean

Approved on 14 December 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the country-specific grants window to the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) for Improving the Performance of Pro-Poor Value Chains of Sheep and Goats for Enhanced Livelihoods, Food and Nutrition Security in Ethiopia

Approved on 12 December 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to SNV Netherlands Development Organization

Approved on 7 December 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to PF Technical Advisory Services, Inc.(PFTAS) for the Regional Programme on Remittances and Diaspora Investment for Rural Development

Approved on 7 December 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to a non-CGIAR-supported international centre: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology

Approved on 7 December 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to a non-CGIAR-supported international centre: International Labour Organization (ILO)

Approved on 7 December 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grant window to a CGIAR-supported international centre - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Approved on 7 December 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to the Partnership for Economic Policy, Inc. for Technical Support to Ex post Impact Evaluation of Rural Development Projects

Approved on 7 December 2014

President's report on proposed grants under the global/regional grants window to CGIAR-supported international centres and to a non CGIAR-supported international centre

Approved on 30 November 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to a CGIAR-supported international centre: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Approved on 30 November 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to a non-CGIAR-supported international centre: Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Approved on 30 November 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to a non-CGIAR-supported international centre: Stichting Oxfam Novib

Approved on 30 November 2014

Chad: Project to Improve the Resilience of Agricultural Systems in Chad (PARSAT)

Approved on 30 November 2014

Republic of Cameroon: Youth Agropastoral Entrepreneurship Promotion Programme

Approved on 20 September 2014

Kingdom of Lesotho: Wool and Mohair Promotion Project

Approved on 18 September 2014

Republic of Armenia: Infrastructure and Rural Finance Support Programme

Approved on 17 September 2014

Zambia: Enhanced Smallholder Livestock Investment Programme

Approved on 31 August 2014

Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: Commodity-Oriented Poverty Reduction Programme in Ha Giang Province

Approved on 31 August 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window under the Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility (IPAF)

Approved on 12 September 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to a non-CGIAR-supported international centre: The Registered Trustees of Kilimo Trust (KT)

Approved on 12 September 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to a non-CGIAR-supported international centre: Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University of Greenwich.

Approved on 12 September 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to a non-CGIAR-supported international centre: Développement International Desjardins (DID)

Approved on 12 September 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to a non-CGIAR-supported international centre: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Approved on 12 September 2014

Sao Tomé and Principe: Smallholder Commercial Agriculture Project

Approved on 12 September 2014

Nepal: Adaptation for Smallholders in Hilly Areas Project (ASHA)

Approved on 12 September 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to a non-CGIAR-supported international centre: Latin America Centre for Human Economy (CLAEH)

Approved on 31 August 2014

Papua New Guinea: Additional financing for the Productive Partnerships in Agriculture Project

Approved on 31 August 2014

Republic of The Sudan: Additional financing for the Western Sudan Resources Management Programme

Approved on 31 August 2014

Disclaimer: The United States, in light of its policy and legislative mandates, opposes the proposed additional financing to the Republic of The Sudan for the Western Sudan Resources Management Programme.

Georgia: Agriculture Modernization, Market Access and Resilience Project

Approved on 31 August 2014

Kiribati: Outer Islands Food and Water Project (OIFWP)

Approved on 2 August 2014

President's report on a proposed grant under the global/regional grants window to a non-CGIAR-supported international centre: Regional Programme for Rural Development Training (PROCASUR) Corporation

Approved on 15 June 2014

Tunisia: Agropastoral and associated Value Chain Development Project in the Governorate of Medenine

Approved on 23 March 2014

Togo: National Programme for the Promotion of Rural Entrepreneurship

Approved on 23 March 2014

India: President'memorandum - Proposal for supplementary additional financing for the Tejaswini Rural Women's Empowerment Programme

Approved on 23 March 2014

Uruguay: Rural inclusion pilot project

Approved on 2 March 2014