As per Rule 23 of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board, whenever an action must be taken by the Board that should not be postponed until its next session but does not warrant the calling of a session of the Board, the President shall transmit to each member and alternate, by any rapid means of communication, a motion embodying the proposed action with a request for each member to vote thereon. Votes shall be cast within such reasonable period as the President shall prescribe, at the expiration of which he shall record the results and notify all members and alternates. Members and alternate members may cast a “yes”, “no” or “abstain” vote by submitting a reply by facsimile transmission, email or alternative electronic means. The absence of a reply by the deadline prescribed by the President shall not indicate an abstention but rather the absence of the member from the voting procedure and, in the event of no reply from a member, the vote of the alternate member shall prevail. The vote shall be valid if replies are received from members having at least two-thirds of the total number of votes in the Executive Board.

Any Executive Board member may request, within seven days of posting the proposal, that the item submitted for consideration through the vote by correspondence procedure be discussed during a formal Board session by submitting the request in writing to the Secretary of IFAD. Upon receipt of any such request, the item will be removed from the vote by correspondence procedure and included in the agenda of an upcoming Executive Board session. 

To read rule 23 in all official languages of the Fund, please click here: [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]

Quick reference card

Executive Board - Vote By Correspondence

Documents for approval 0

Documents for approval 0

Approved Documents 5

Approved Documents 5

Executive Board

Proposal to accept supplementary funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for the Gender Transformative Mechanism Initiative

مقترح لاستخدام الموارد بموجب برنامج المنح العادية في الصندوق، وقبول أموال تكميلية من مؤسسة Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation من أجل مبادرة التحول الزراعي الإفريقي
جرت المصادقة عليه يوم السبت 28 أغسطس/آب 2021

إنشاء حساب أمانة من أجل مبادرة التحول الزراعي الإفريقي
جرت المصادقة عليه يوم السبت 28 أغسطس/آب 2021

كوت ديفوار: مشروع الطوارئ الزراعية
جرت المصادقة عليه يوم الجمعة 25 يونيو/حزيران 2021

مقترح تمويل: فجوة التمويل المخصص لتصميم مشروعات المناخ لعام 2021
جرت المصادقة عليه يوم السبت 26 يونيو/حزيران 2021

Documents for approval 0

Documents for approval 0

Approved Documents 5

Approved Documents 5

Executive Board

Proposal to accept supplementary funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for the Gender Transformative Mechanism Initiative

Approved on Saturday 6 November 2021

Proposal to utilize resources under the IFAD regular grants programme, and accept supplementary funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, for the African Agricultural Transformation Initiative

Approved on Saturday 28 August 2021

Establishment of a Trust Fund for the African Agricultural Transformation Initiative
Approved on Saturday 28 August 2021

Côte d'Ivoire: Emergency Agriculture Project

Approved on Friday 25 June 2021

Funding Proposal: Climate Finance Design Gap 2021

Approved on Saturday 26 June 2021

Documents for approval 0

Documents for approval 0

Approved Documents 5

Approved Documents 5

Executive Board

Proposition relative à l’acceptation de fonds supplémentaires de la part de la Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation en faveur du Mécanisme de Transformation de la dynamique femmes-hommes
Approuvé le samedi 6 novembre 2021

Proposition relative à l’utilisation de ressources relevant du programme de dons ordinaires du FIDA et à l’acceptation de fonds supplémentaires de la part de la Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, en faveur de l’Initiative de transformation de l’agriculture en Afrique

Approuvé le samedi 28 août 2021

Création d’un fonds fiduciaire pour l’Initiative de transformation de l’agriculture en Afrique

Approuvé le samedi 28 août 2021

Côte d'Ivoire: Projet d’urgence agricole

Approuvé le vendredi 25 juin 2021

Proposition de financement: déficit lié à la conception de projets de financement de l’action climatique en 2021

Approuvé le samedi 26 juin 2021

Documents for approval 0

Documents for approval 0

Approved Documents 5

Approved Documents 5

Executive Board

Propuesta de aceptación de fondos suplementarios de la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates destinados a financiar el Mecanismo para la Transformación en materia de Género
Aprobado el sábado 6 de noviembre de 2021

Propuesta para utilizar recursos del programa ordinario de donaciones y aceptar fondos suplementarios de la Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates para la Iniciativa de Transformación Agrícola en África

Aprobado el sábado 28 de agosto de 2021

Establecimiento de un Fondo Fiduciario para la Iniciativa de Transformación Agrícola en África

Aprobado el sábado 28 de agosto de 2021

Côte d'Ivoire: Proyecto de Emergencia Agrícola

Aprobado el viernes 25 de junio de 2021

Propuesta de financiación: Déficit de recursos para el diseño de proyectos de financiación para el clima en 2021

Aprobado el sábado 26 de junio de 2021