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Reconvened 131st session of the Executive Board

Meeting Executive Board
Dates Ended almost 4 years ago (07/12/2020 - 09/12/2020)



  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    EB 2020/131(R)/R.39 - Report on IFAD’s Investment Portfolio for the Third Quarter of 2020 (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    About 3 years ago (26/06/2021)
  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    EB 2020/131(R)/R.39 - Report on IFAD’s Investment Portfolio for the Third Quarter of 2020 (Arabic) (English) (Spanish)

    About 3 years ago (24/06/2021)
  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    EB 2020/131(R)/R.39 - Report on IFAD’s Investment Portfolio for the Third Quarter of 2020 (Arabic) (English) (Spanish)

    Over 3 years ago (12/06/2021)
  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    EB/131 - Minutes of the 131st and Reconvened 131st Session of the Executive Board – VIRTUAL MEETINGS (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    Over 3 years ago (19/03/2021)
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Previous Sessions Documents

Official Documents

Official Documents

Agenda Item 2: Adoption of the agenda

Agenda Item 3: Strategic discussion with the President of IFAD

Helping small-scale producers and poor rural communities thrive – an agenda for climate resilience at COP26

Agenda Item 4: Corporate

IFAD's 2021 results-based programme of work and regular and capital budgets, and the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD's results-based work programme and budget for 2021 and indicative plan for 2022-2023 and the HIPC and PBAS progress reports

Report of the Audit Committee on IFAD's 2021 results-based programme of work and regular and capital budgets, and the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD's results-based work programme and budget for 2021 and indicative plan for 2022-2023

People, Processes and Technology Plan: Implementation of a Targeted Investment in IFAD's Capacity (TCI)

Agenda Item 5: Operational matters

Progress report on the status of implementation of the Rural Poor Stimulus Facility and IFAD’s wider operational response to COVID-19

Bolivia (Plurinational State of): Country strategic opportunities programme 2021 - 2025

Chad: Country strategic opportunities programme 2020 - 2025

Mali: Country strategic opportunities programme 2020 - 2024

Minutes on the Twelfth and Thirteenth Meetings of the Working Group on the Performance-Based Allocation System

Extension of the timebound Delegation of Authority for the approval of deviations from the Policy on Project Restructuring and the Proposal for Faster Implementation of Project Start-up Instruments

West and Central Africa

Regional lending operation - Joint Sahel Programme to Respond to the Challenges of COVID-19, Conflict and Climate Change

Central African Republic: Project to Improve Productivity and Access to Markets for Agropastoral Products in the Savannah Zones

Niger: President’s memorandum: Proposed project restructuring in the Republic of the Niger

Benin and Togo: Regional Programme for the Integration of Agricultural Markets

East and Southern Africa

United Republic of Tanzania: Agriculture and Fisheries Development Programme

Asia and the Pacific

China: Hunan Rural Revitalization Demonstration Project

Near East, North Africa and Europe

Yemen: Rural Livelihoods Development Project (RLDP)

Agenda Item 6: Non-Sovereign Private Sector Operation

Proposal to finance expansion and scaling-up of the Babban Gona agricultural franchise model

Agenda Item 7: Financial matters

Resources available for commitment

New Liquidity Policy

Capital Adequacy Report

Integrated Borrowing Framework

Asset Liability Management (ALM): Mid-year report and way forward

Annual review of IFAD's Investment Policy Statement

Framework for Lending to Subnational Entities in the Context of the New Business Model

Workplan for IFAD's Office of Audit and Oversight for 2021

Report of the Chairperson on the 159th Meeting of the Audit Committee

Agenda Item 8: Governance

Proposed amendments to the basic legal texts of IFAD

Proposed dates for sessions of the Executive Board in 2022

Automated voting system at IFAD

Report of the Emoluments Committee

Country visits of the IFAD Executive Board

Agenda Item 9: Progress reports

Progress report on Rome-based agency collaboration

Progress report on applying the methodologies of the multilateral development banks for climate finance tracking

Progress Report on South-South and Triangular Cooperation 2019-2020

Documents for Information

Report on the third session of the Consultation on the Twelfth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

Draft Programme of Events for the Forty-fourth Session of the Governing Council

Report on IFAD’s Investment Portfolio for the Third Quarter of 2020

Arrangements for the 131st Session of the Executive Board

Operational Guidelines on IFAD’s Engagement in Pro-Poor Value Chain Development

Memorandum of Understanding between the World Food Law Institute and IFAD

The Rural Resilience Programme (2RP) Description

Results of the Executive Board Vote by Correspondence

Summary of project and programme proposals discussed at the Executive Board consultation held on 3 November 2020

Closing Statement by President Gilbert F. Houngbo

Minutes of the 131st and Reconvened 131st Session of the Executive Board – VIRTUAL MEETINGS

West and Central Africa

Note of Intent between the Executive Secretariat of the G5 Sahel, FAO, WFP and IFAD for the Regional Lending Operation Emergency and Rural Development in Sahel: a Joint RBA-G5Sahel+1 response to the 3C Challenges (COVID-19, Conflicts and Climate Change) – SD3C


Report on the Status of Contributions to IFAD11

Status Report on Arrears in Principal, Interest and Service Charge Payments

List of documents posted prior the session

Vote by correspondence

Communication: Approval through vote by correspondence of items submitted for approval at the reconvened 131st session of the Executive Board

Communication on the results of the vote by correspondence on items submitted for approval at the reconvened 131st session of the Executive Board

Information for Meeting Participants

Information for Meeting Participants

Invitation Letters

Invitation Letters