Working Group on the Transition Framework
At its 122 nd session in December 2017, the Executive Board approved the Approach Paper for a Transition Framework and the establishment of a working group to follow up on the Framework. The introduction of a transition framework was proposed by Management as one of the innovations included in the paper Enhancing the IFAD11 Business Model to Deliver Impact at Scale, which was presented to the Consultation on the Eleventh Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources at its second session, in June 2017.
The Terms of Reference and composition of the Working Group on the Transition Framework (TFWG) were approved by the Executive Board at its 123 rd session in April 2018.
Membership distribution in the Working Group is in line with that of the Executive Board. It is thus composed of nine members from the 36 members on the Executive Board: four members from List A, two members from List B and three members from List C.
Working Group members are elected by the Executive Board for a three-year term of office. The Chairperson is elected by the Working Group members. The Working Group is guided by the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board.
The Working Group will oversee work on the second phase of the Transition Framework, which is expected to be finalized for presentation to the Executive Board in December 2018. The Working Group will also liaise closely with other Executive Board subsidiary bodies, and will be guided by feedback from IFAD Member States, including those not represented on the Executive Board, through dedicated consultations.
Current Composition
Current Composition
- Member
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- United Kingdom
- Member
- Indonesia
- Kuwait
IFAD List C1
- Member
- Cameroon
IFAD List C3
- Member
- Argentina