Ad Hoc Working Group on Governance

The Ad hoc Working Group on Governance (WGG) was established by the Governing Council at its thirty-eighth session in February 2015.

The WGG was tasked with considering governance issues, in particular, reviewing and assessing the structure, appropriateness and relevance of the IFAD List system; reviewing and assessing the composition of the Replenishment Consultation and the length of replenishment cycles in IFAD11 and beyond; and making proposals thereon for consideration by the Executive Board for submission to the Governing Council, as appropriate. In so doing, the WGG also reviewed current practices of other international financial institutions and consulted with relevant experts, with respect to governance structures, replenishment procedures and compositions.

The WGG was composed of nine members from among IFAD’s Member States; four members from List A, two members from List B and three members from List C. It elected ad personam one chairperson from List C (Argentina) and two vice-chairpersons: one from List A (United Kingdom) and one from List B (Indonesia). IFAD Members who were not members of the WGG were able to participate in meetings as observers with the right to speak.

In 2015 and 2016, the WGG held nine meetings. It also held several informal meetings and consultations with the Lists and IFAD Management. Its deliberations were documented by meeting syntheses, as well as progress reports presented to the Executive Board.

The WGG discussed several proposals regarding the List system and matters related to IFAD’s replenishments.  It  reached consensus on some replenishment issues, and agreed on guidelines for  List definitions. The WGG finalized its report and presented it to the Executive Board in December 2016. The Governing Council at its fortieth session in February 2017, considered the report and adopted Resolution 194/XL entitled, Approval of the Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Governance.