Consultation on the Replenishment of IFAD's Resources - News
Distinguished representatives are kindly invited to complete the survey on the Thirteenth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources Consultation process (link). This will help us improve the efficiency and effectiveness of future replenishment processes. Please note that the deadline to compile the survey has been extended to Friday, 8 March 2024. The survey is available in the four IFAD official languages and can be accessed by clicking the following links: [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
Highest consideration
Office of the Secretary
Distinguished representatives are kindly invited to complete the survey on the Thirteenth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources Consultation process (link). This will help us improve the efficiency and effectiveness of future replenishment processes. Please compile the survey by Friday, 1 March 2024. The survey is available in the four IFAD official languages and can be accessed by clicking the following links: [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish].
Highest consideration
Office of the Secretary
Distinguished Delegates,
In response to requests from delegates at the Second Session of the IFAD13 Consultations, we are pleased to share a short note that highlights the key priorities of IFAD13 and IFAD’s mission and comparative advantage. Management hopes this will be helpful to Member State representatives and welcomes any feedback you may have.
The note may be viewed at the following links: (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)
Highest consideration