Intersessional meeting on the IFAD13 additional climate contributions
Meeting | Replenishment-related Seminars and Events |
Dates | Ended about 1 year ago (21/11/2023) |
New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:
PPT - PPT on ACC (English) -
Distinguished Governors,
You are kindly reminded of the intersessional meeting on the IFAD13 additional climate contributions, taking place on Tuesday, 21 November 2023 from 3:45p.m. to 5.15 p.m.
To register, please click here
Highest consideration,
Office of the Secretary
To read the communication in the four official languages of the Fund, please click the following links [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
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Official Documents
Official Documents
PPT on Additional climate contributions
Summary of the Chairperson
Summary of the Chairperson: Intersessional meeting on Additional climate contributions (ACC)