Recent News
102nd session of the Executive Board
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents related to 102nd session of the Executive Board are now available online at
- EB 2011/102/R.3 - IFAD Policy on Engagement with Middle-Income Countries Policy
- EB 2011/102/R.42 - Consolidated financial statements of IFAD for 2010
- EB 2011/102/INF.3 + Rev.1 - People's Republic ofBangladesh: Implementation of the second cycle of the Sunamganj Community-based Resource Management Project financed under the Flexible Lending Mechanism
Sixty-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents related to the sixty-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee are now available online at
- EC 2011/67/W.P.6 + Add.1 + Corr.1 - Draft Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Evaluation Committee
102nd session of the Executive Board
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents related to 102nd session of the Executive Board are now available online at
- EB 2011/102/R.3 - IFAD Policy on Engagement with Middle-Income Countries Policy
- EB 2011/102/R.7 + Corr.1 - Revised IFAD Evaluation Policy
- EB 2011/102/R.8 - Corporate-Level Evaluation of IFAD’s Private-Sector Development and Partnership Strategy
DISCLAIMER: Document EB 2011/102/R.8 has been posted unedited in order to allow Executive Board representatives the possibility to review the Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's private-sector development and partnership strategy. The edited version will be posted as soon as possible.
Sixty-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents related to the sixty-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee is now available online at
- EC 2011/67/W.P.3 + Power Point Presentation - Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s Private-Sector Development and Partnership Strategy
- EC 2011/67/W.P.6 - Draft Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Evaluation Committee
DISCLAIMER: Document W.P.3 has been posted unedited in order to allow Committee Members the possibility to review the Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's private-sector development and partnership strategy. The edited version will be posted as soon as possible
102nd session of the Executive Board
New Documents Online! Please note that The following documents related to 102nd session of the Executive Board are now available online at
- EB 2011/102/R.9 - IFAD Environment and Natural Resource Management Policy
- EB 2011/102/R.10 Add.2 - IFAD Country Presence Policy and Strategy
- EB 2011/102/R.28 - Procedures for grant financing
- EB 2011/102/R.42 - Consolidated financial statements of IFAD for 2010
Sixty-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents related to the sixty-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee is now available online at
- EC 2011/67/W.P.7 + Add.2 - IFAD Country Presence Strategy
102nd session of the Executive Board
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents related to the 102nd session of the Executive Board are now available online at
- EB 2011/102/R.7 - Revised IFAD Evaluation Policy
- EB 2011/102/R.15 – Sierra Leone: Smallholder Commercialization Programme
102nd session of the Executive Board
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents related to the 102nd session of the Executive Board are now available online at
- EB 2011/102/R.10 + Add.1 - IFAD Country Presence Policy and Strategy
- EB 2011/102/R.27 – Corporate strategic workplan for grant financing
Sixty-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents related to the sixty-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee is now available online at
- EC 2011/67/W.P.5 + Add.1 - Revised IFAD Evaluation Policy
- EC 2011/67/W.P.7 + Add.1 - IFAD Country Presence Strategy
Sixty-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee
New Document Online! Please note that the following document related to the Sixty-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee is now available online at
- EC 2011/67/W.P.8 - IFAD’s engagement with middle-income countries