Recent News
- 126th session of the Executive Board
- 126th session of the Executive Board
- 125th session of the Executive Board
- 105th session of the Evaluation Committee
126th session of the Executive Board
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
EB 2019/126/R.24/Rev.1 - Consolidated Financial Statements of IFAD as at 31 December 2018 (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish) -
Consultation on the Replenishment of IFAD's Resources
Distinguished Executive Board Representatives,This is a gentle reminder that the deadline for receipt of nominations for the role of external chair of the Consultation on the Twelfth Replenishment of IFAD's Resources (IFAD12) is Friday, 31 May 11.59 p.m. (Central European Time).
All relevant documentation can be found on the Member States Interactive Platform and on the IFAD website. Nominations should be submitted by e-mail to
You may view the full communication in the official languages of the Fund here.
Highest regards,
Office of the Secretary
- CANCELLED - Working Group on the Performance-Based Allocation System - 11th meeting
105th session of the Evaluation Committee
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
EC 2019/105/W.P.6 - Proposed dates for sessions of the Evaluation Committee in 2020 (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)EC 2019/105/W.P.3 - Evaluation synthesis report on inclusive financial services for the rural poor (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish) -
104th session of the Evaluation Committee
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
EC 2019/104/W.P.5/Rev.1 - Country strategy and programme evaluation for the Republic of Kenya - PPT-CSPE Kenya (English) - 126th session of the Executive Board