Replenishments of IFAD's resources
The Fund’s resources derive from contributions made by its Member States, special contributions from non-member States and from other sources and funds derived or to be derived from operations or otherwise accruing to the Fund.
Article 4.3 of the Agreement Establishing IFAD [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish] provides that “in order to assure continuity in the operations of the Fund, the Governing Council shall periodically, at such intervals as it deems appropriate, review the adequacy of the resources available to the Fund”. Accordingly, the Fund holds consultations to review its resources, usually every three years.
Upon conclusion, the Consultation submits a report on the results of its deliberations, and any recommendations, to the Governing Council, with a view to adopting such resolutions as may be appropriate.
The composition of the consultations on the various replenishments is decided by the Governing Council at the establishment of the replenishment. The representatives invited to participate in the consultation sessions are the Governors, who may designate, in turn, others to participate on their behalf.
Recent consultations (IFAD9, IFAD10, IFAD11 and IFAD12) have been chaired by an external Chairperson.
Documents considered by recent replenishment consultations may be viewed here.
The resolutions adopted by the Governing Council on recent replenishment are available at the following links:
IFAD12 [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
IFAD11 [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
IFAD10 [Arabic - Rev.1] [English] [French] [Spanish]
IFAD9 [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
IFAD8 [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish] and [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
IFAD7 [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish] and [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
IFAD6 [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
IFAD5 [English] [French] [Spanish] and [English] [French] [Spanish]