Forty-seventh session of the Governing Council
Meeting | Governing Council |
Dates | Ended about 1 year ago (14/02/2024 - 15/02/2024) |
Official Documents
Official Documents
Agenda Item 2: Adoption of the agenda
Agenda Item 4: Applications for non-original membership
Agenda Item 6: Report of the Bureau of the Governing Council on the review of the process leading to the appointment of the President of IFAD
Report of the Bureau of the Governing Council on the review of the process leading to the appointment of the President of IFAD
Agenda Item 7: Report on the Twelfth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources
Agenda Item 8: Thirteenth Replenishment of IFAD's Resources
Agenda Item 9: Consolidated financial statements of IFAD for 2022
Agenda Item 10: Amendments to the Financial Regulations of IFAD
Agenda item 11: Budget of IFAD
IFAD's 2024 results-based programme of work, regular and capital budgets, and budget outlook for 2025–2026, and the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD's results-based work programme and budget for 2024 and indicative plan for 2025-2026, and the HIPC, PBAS and BRAM progress reports
Agenda item 12: Election of members and alternate members of the Executive Board
Information notes
Welcoming statement by Mr William Roos, outgoing Vice-Chairperson of the forty-seventh session of the Governing Council of IFAD
Closing statement by Mr Christophe Schiltz, Chairperson of the forty-seventh session of the Governing Council of IFAD
Information for Meeting Participants
Information for Meeting Participants
Concept Note: Rural people innovating for a resilient future
Concept Note: IFAD, G7 and G20 - A partnership for sustainable rural transformation
Concept Note: Launch of the MOPAN Report on IFAD
Concept Note: Governors' Round Table - Innovation for a food-secure future
Concept Note: The UN Decade of family farming
Concept Note: Women’s land rights for a food-secure and sustainable future
Concept Note: Innovation for a food-secure future
PowerPoint Presentation: Governors' Round Table - Innovation for a food-secure future
Concept Note: Marketplace of innovations
Concept Note: IFAD Talk: Actions for Inclusive Growth in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Invitation Letters
Invitation Letters
Invitation to the forty-seventh session of the Governing Council (Member States)
Invitation to the forty-seventh session of the Governing Council (Observers)
Details of the forty-seventh session of the Governing Council (Member States)
Details of the forty-seventh session of the Governing Council (Observers)
Invitation to the Governors' Round Table
Invitation to the side event: Women’s land rights for a food-secure and sustainable future