Forty-fourth session of the Governing Council

Meeting Governing Council
Dates Ended about 4 years ago (17/02/2021 - 18/02/2021)
IFAD Webcasting URL



  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    GC 44 - Governing Council report - Forty-fourth session (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    Almost 4 years ago (01/06/2021)
  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    GC 44/L.1/Rev.1 - Agenda (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    Almost 4 years ago (27/03/2021)
  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    GC 44/INF.6 - Statement by Mr Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of IFAD (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    About 4 years ago (25/02/2021)
  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:

    GC 44/Resolutions - Resolutions adopted by the Governing Council at its forty-fourth session (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)
    GC 44/Closing of the Chairperson - Closing statement by Mr Suminto, Chairperson of the forty-fourth session of the Governing Council of IFAD (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)
    GC 44/L.6/Rev.1 - Twelfth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    About 4 years ago (24/02/2021)
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Previous Sessions Documents

Official Documents

Official Documents

Agenda Item 2: Adoption of the agenda

Agenda Item 4: Emoluments of the President

Report of the Emoluments Committee

Agenda Item 5: Automated voting system at IFAD

Proposal for the implementation of an automated voting system at IFAD

Agenda Item 6: Appointment of the President of IFAD

Appointment of the President

Agenda Item 7: Eleventh Replenishment of IFAD's Resources

Report on the Eleventh Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

Agenda Item 8: Twelfth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

Twelfth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

Agenda Item 9: Financial statement

Consolidated financial statements of IFAD for 2019

Agenda Item 10: Budget of IFAD

IFAD’s 2021 results-based programme of work and regular and capital budgets, the IOE results-based work programme and budget for 2021 and indicative plan for 2022-2023, and the HIPC and PBAS progress reports

Agenda Item 11: Election of members and alternate members of the Executive Board

Election of members and alternate members of the Executive Board

Agenda Item 12: Amendments to the basic legal texts

Proposed Amendments to IFAD’s basic legal texts

Information Notes

Forty-fourth Session of the Governing Council (virtual session) Organizational Aspects

Appointment of the President of IFAD (Background note on relevant appointment rules, procedures and modalities)"

Financial highlights of the year ended 31 December 2020

Results of the vote by correspondence: Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Governing Council

Forty-fourth Session of the Governing Council: Procedures for Statements by Governors

Statement by Mr Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of IFAD

Acceptance re-election statement by President Gilbert F. Houngbo

Concluding remarks by the President of IFAD, Mr Gilbert F. Houngbo

Closing statement by Mr Suminto, Chairperson of the forty-fourth session of the Governing Council of IFAD

Resolutions adopted by the Governing Council at its forty-fourth session

Governing Council report - Forty-fourth session

Background on the Appointment of the President of IFAD

Updated Information Note on Procedures and Modalities for the Appointment of the President of IFAD dated 22 December 2020

Frequently Asked Questions on the Appointment of the President

Communication to Governors on nominations received

Communication to Governors on announcement and press release

Communication to organizations with observer status to IFAD

Call for nominations


Press release

Information note on procedures and modalities for the Appointment of the President of IFAD

Communication (Registration and Zoom link)

Communication (Registration and Zoom link)

Information for Meeting Participants

Information for Meeting Participants

Invitation Letters

Invitation Letters