At its 138th session in May 2023, the Executive Board approved the “Review of modalities of formal and informal sessions of the Executive Board and its subsidiary bodies” (EB 2023/138/R.10). [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
In so doing, the Board approved an enhanced use of the commenting feature for reviewing documents online through the Member States Interactive Platform. Through this procedure, certain types of documents for review will no longer be linked to a particular Executive Board session and may be reviewed online by Executive Board representatives throughout the year, thus streamlining in-session deliberations and promoting a more even distribution of governing body documents.
Once a document is posted, the commenting feature will be active for a period of four weeks for receipt of comments from Executive Board representatives. Management will endeavour to respond to each comment within three working days of receipt of the same. Such responses will be in one of the official languages of the Fund, while all comments and responses will be consolidated in a single document in the four official languages of the Fund, to be issued as soon as possible following the closure of the commenting feature.
Executive Board members or alternate members may request that any item posted for online review be placed on the agenda of an upcoming Executive Board for in-session consideration. Such requests should be submitted in writing to the Office of the Secretary ( prior to the closure of the commenting feature.
Documents subject to this procedure include:
a) Standard and recurring financial reports;
b) Progress reports;
c) Country strategic opportunities programmes (COSOPs)*;
d) Country strategy and programme evaluations (CSPEs)*.
*Given the strategic importance of COSOPs and CSPEs, and the opportunities that they present for engagement with country teams and government representatives, these will continue to be included for discussion in pre-Executive Board consultations and the Evaluation Committee, as appropriate.
For Review
For Review
Midterm review of the 2020‒2030 IFAD Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) Strategy: building and looking to the future
2024 President's Report on the Implementation Status of Evaluation Recommendations and Management Actions (PRISMA)
Brazil: Country strategic opportunities programme 2024–2029
Disclaimer: Queries and comments submitted through online review will be addressed by Management during the forthcoming Executive Board Consultation, to be held on 11‒12 September 2024.
Update on IFAD's approach to address the United Nations Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Update on IFAD’s engagement in the implementation of the United Nations reforms and the IFAD response to the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR)