Eighty-Second Session of the Executive Board
Meeting | Executive Board |
Dates | Ended over 20 years ago (08/09/2004 - 09/09/2004) |
Official Documents
Official Documents
Meeting documentation
Strategic Priorities and Programme of Work and Budget of IFAD and its Office of Evaluation for 2005
Fourth Status Report on the Progress of the Independent External Evaluation of IFAD (IEE)
Report of the President on the Status of Implementation of Evaluation Recommendations
Rwanda: President's Memorandum: Revised Scope and Implementingation Arrangements for the Umutara Community Resources and Infrastructure Development Project (Loan No. 537-RW)
Technical Assistance Grants under the Global/Regional Grants Window for Agricultural Research and Training by CGIAR-Supported International Centres
Technical Assistance Grants under the Global/Regional Grants Window for Agricultural Research and Training by Non-CGIAR-Supported International Centres
Technical Assistance Grant to the International Land Coalition for the Programme to Strengthen the Secure Access of the Rural Poor to Land and Related Support in Support of its Programmes, Partnership Activities and ServicesServices
Technical Assistance Grant through the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) for the Regional Programme in Support of a Medicinal Plants Development Network in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay
Technical Assistance Grant to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama for the Regional Unit for Technical Assistance (RUTA) - Phase VI
Draft Provisional Agenda for the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Governing Council
Election of Representatives of the Governing Council to the IFAD Staff Pension Committee
Accession of IFAD to the Financial and Administrative Framework Agreement (FAFA) Between the European Union and the United Nations
Cooperation Agreement with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
List of IFAD Staff Involved in the Preparation of Country Strategic Opportunities Papers, and Loan and Grant Proposals for Submission to the Eighty-Second Session of the Executive Board
Memorandum of Understanding for a Cooperation Framework between IFAD and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)
Implementation of the First Cycle of the Umutara Community Resource and Infrastructure Development Project (UCRIDP) In Rwanda Financed under the Flexible Lending Mechanism
IFAD's Lending Terms and Conditions - Interest Rate for the Year 2005 for Loans on Ordinary and Intermediate Terms
Progress Report on Implementation of a Framework for a Results and Impact Management System for IFAD-Supported Country Programmes
Closing Statement by President Båge to the Eighty-Second Session of the Executive Board
Summary of Project, Programme and Grant Proposals Discussed by the Executive Board