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Seventy-Seventh Session of the Executive Board

Meeting Executive Board
Dates Ended over 21 years ago (10/12/2002 - 11/12/2002)



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Previous Sessions Documents

Official Documents

Official Documents

Agenda Item 2

Agenda Item 3(a)

Status of Contributions to the Fifth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

Agenda Item 3(b)

Report on IFAD's Investment Portfolio for the Third Quarter of 2002

Agenda Item 3(c)

Resources Available for Commitment

Agenda Item 3(d)

Programme of Work and Administrative Budget of IFAD for 2003

Agenda Item 3(e)

IFAD's Policy Framework for Supplementary Resources

Agenda Item 3(f)

Report of the Audit Committee

Agenda Item 4(a)

Report on the Fourth Session of the Consultation

Agenda Item 4(b)

A Proposal to Enhance IFAD's Field Presence by Strengthening In-Country Capacity

Agenda Item 5

Decision Tools in Rural Finance

Agenda Item 6

IFAD's Participation in the Debt Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries: Progress Report 2002

Agenda Item 7

Procedure for the Review of Country Strategic Opportunities Papers (COSOPs) by the Executive Board

Agenda Item 9(a)(i)

Niger: Project for the Promotion of Local Initiatives for Development in Aguié

Agenda Item 9(a)(ii)

Nigeria: Community-Based Natural Resource Management Programme – Niger Delta

Agenda Item 9(b)(i)

Kenya: Mount Kenya East Pilot Project for Natural Resource Management

Agenda Item 9(b)(ii)

Rwanda: Smallholder Cash and Export Crops Development Project

Agenda Item 9(c)(i)

China: Environment Conservation and Poverty-Reduction Programme in Ningxia and Shanxi

Agenda Item 9(e)(ii)

Egypt: Second Matruh Resource Management Project

Agenda Item 9(c)(ii)

Indonesia: East Kalimantan Local Communities Empowerment Programme

Agenda Item 9(d)(i)

Dominican Republic: Social and Economic Development Programme for Vulnerable Populations in the Border Provinces

Agenda Item 9(d)(ii)

Peru: Market Strengthening and Livelihood Diversification in the Southern Highlands Project

Agenda Item 9(e)(i)

Djibouti: Microfinance and Microenterprise Development Project

Agenda Item 9(e)(iii)

Syria: Idleb Rural Development Project

Agenda Item 10 (a)

Technical Assistance Grant for Agricultural Research and Training by CGIAR-Supported International Centres

Agenda Item 10(b)

Technical Assistance Grant to the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) for the FIDAFRIQUE II Programme: Creating a Regional Information Network in Western and Central Africa

Agenda Item 11

Planned Project Activities 2002–2003

Agenda Item 12

Progress Report on the Process Re-Engineering Programme (Strategic Change Programme)

Agenda Item 13

Progress Report on the IFAD V: Plan of Action (2000-2002)

Agenda Item 14

Progress Report on the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa

Agenda Item 15

Progress Report by the Popular Coalition to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty

Agenda Item 16

Draft Provisional Agenda and Programme of Events for the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Session of the Governing Council

Agenda Item 17(a)

Application for Non-Original Membership

Agenda Item 17(b)

Dates for the 2004 Sessions of the Executive Board

Arrangements for the Seventy-Seventh Session of the Executive Board

List of IFAD Staff Involved in the Preparation of Country Strategic Opportunities Papers, and Loan, Grant and Debt Relief Proposals for Submission to the Seventy-Seventh Session of the Executive Board

Implementation of the First Cycle of the Sahelian Areas Development Fund Programme in Mali financed under the Flexible Lending Mechanism

Status Report on Principal and Interest Payments

Closing Statement by President Båge to the Seventy-Seventh Session of the Executive Board

Summary of Project, Programme and Grant Proposals Discussed by the Executive Board

Minutes of the Seventy-Seventh Session of the Executive Board