122nd session of the Executive Board
Meeting | Executive Board |
Dates | Ended about 7 years ago (11/12/2017 - 12/12/2017) |
Official Documents
Official Documents
Agenda Item 2: Adoption of the agenda
Agenda Item 3: Budget of IFAD
IFAD's 2018 Results-Based Programme of Work and Regular and Capital Budgets, the IOE Results-Based Work Programme And Budget for 2018 and Indicative Plan for 2019-2020, and the HIPC and PBAS Progress Reports
Report of the Audit Committee on the IFAD’s 2018 results-based programme of work and regular and capital budgets, the IOE results-based work programme and budget for 2018 and indicative plan for 2019-2020, and the HIPC and PBAS progress reports
Agenda Item 4: Evaluation-Report of the Chairperson
Agenda Item 5: Resources available for commitment
Agenda Item 6: Project/programme proposals for consideration by the Executive Board
Ethiopia: Pastoral Community Development Project - additional financing
Madagascar: Inclusive Agricultural Value Chains Development Programme
Project Design Report (French only)
Malawi: Financial Access for Rural Markets, Smallholders and Enterprise Programme
Bangladesh: Promote Resilience of Vulnerable through Access to Infrastructure, Improved Skills and Information (PROVATi³)
India: Fostering Climate Resilient Upland Farming Systems in the North East Project
Agenda Item 7: Grant proposals for consideration by the Executive Board
Grant under the private sector window to SunDanzer International for Green Technologies to Facilitate Development of Value Chains for Perishable Crops and Animal Products
Bioversity International: Use of Genetic Diversity and Evolutionary Plant Breeding for Enhanced Farmer Resilience
Agenda Item 9: Increasing Transparency
Increasing Transparency for Greater Accountability – Action Plan
Agenda Item 10: Financial matters
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and Auditing of IFAD-Financed Projects
Agenda Item 11: SIF
Strategy for Establishment of the Smallholder and SME Investment Finance (SIF) Fund
Agenda Item 12: Report of the GC Bureau
Report of the Governing Council Bureau on the Review of the Established Good Practice for the Process Leading to the Appointment of the President of IFAD
Agenda Item 13: Other business
Agenda Item 14: IFAD11/3 Chairperson's Summary
Summary of the Chairperson: Third Session of the Consultation on the Eleventh Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources
Agenda Item 15: GC41 Draft Programme of Events
Agenda Item 16: Report on IFAD's Investment Portfolio
Agenda Item 17: ASAP2
Second Phase of IFAD's Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP2) - Concept Note
Fit-for-purpose approach
Information notes
Update on Implementation of the Facility for Refugees, Migrants, Forced Displacement and Rural Stability (FARMS)
Letter of intent between the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the International Social Security Association (ISSA)
Summary of project, programme and grant proposals discussed by the Executive Board