At its 126th session, the Executive Board approved the Proposals for Streamlining the Approval of IFAD-funded Projects and Programmes (document EB 2019/126/R.48/Rev.2) which included the Delegation of Authority to the President to approve:

·         additional financing to fill identified financing gaps already approved by the Executive Board in projects and programmes and with a value of less than or equal to 50 per cent of the original IFAD financing approved by the Board. In cases where the original project received an abstention/objection at the time of approval, no delegation of authority would be granted;

·         proposals for new projects with a value of US$5 million and below;

·         additional financing for scaling up totalling US$5 million and below.

As specified in the document, these proposals are posted for Executive Board representatives' review no later than 14 days prior to approval by the President.

Regarding projects delegated to the President for approval, any single Board member may register an abstention or objection, or request that it be submitted to the Board for approval.

In the absence of a request from an Executive Board representative for a proposal to be submitted at the forthcoming session of the Board, the proposals will be considered approved by the President.

An objection/abstention by any Member to the approval by the President of a given project will be disclosed and noted in a disclaimer on this page once communicated.

For Approval

For Approval

No documents are currently under review



EB 2024/DoA/5

Mali: Inclusive Finance in Agricultural Value Chains Project (INCLUSIF)

EB 2024/DoA/4

Bénin: Programme for Regional Integration of Agricultural Markets (PRIMA)

EB 2024/DoA/3

Palestine: Rural Financial Inclusion Project in Palestine (RUFIPP)

EB 2024/DoA/2 (En anglais seulement)

Cambodge: Accelerating Inclusive Markets for Smallholders Project

EB 2024/DoA/1 (En anglais seulement)

El Salvador: Programme for the Sustainable, Inclusive and Nutritional Economic Development of Rural Areas in El Salvador (Rural Adelante 2.0)