Convenors & Friends
Convenors are representatives of their respective Lists, chosen by List representatives and subsequently communicated to the President. The role of Convenors, although not formally established in IFAD's basic legal documents, is that of acting as a bridge between their respective Lists and IFAD management; sharing concerns, raising issues and awareness on strategic topics to be discussed at Board sessions.
Purpose and procedures of meetings with Convenors and Friends
Further to discussions within the Executive Board Working Group on Governance, the purpose and procedures of Convenors and Friends meetings were formalized.
Meetings between Convenors and Friends and IFAD Management are held regularly with the primary purposes of: enhancing the functioning of the Fund through coordination, transparency and effectiveness, facilitating the work and decisions to be taken by the Executive Board and other governing bodies on such matters as procedural issues, improving communications between IFAD Management and the Board, and enhancing consultation.
The Ad hoc Committee of the Executive Board to review Member States’ voting rights and the role, effectiveness and membership of the Executive Board defined the purpose and procedures of meetings with Convenors and Friends and these are set out in the document EB/2007/90/R.36 (p.9) [Arabic] [English] [French] [Spanish]
For more details, please consult the following documents/sites: Convenors and Friends
Participation in meetings of Convenors and Friends
Convenors/Vice/Co-convenors are chosen by their respective lists for a given term of office and participate in all meetings of Convenors and Friends. Friends are invited by the Convenors according to procedures agreed to by the Lists. Countries wishing to participate in meetings of Convenors and Friends should contact their List and/or sub-List Convenor.
Current List and sub-List Convenors
Details of current List and sub-List Convenors may be viewed at the following link.
Convenors and Friends' meetings
Dates of meetings are available at the following link.
Documentation for meetings
Documentation for each meeting session is also posted here. Said documentation is restricted to Convenors, however, representatives may consult the following site Convenors and Friends to see what documentation was considered or is to be considered at the meetings and also to consult notes on the outcomes of the meetings as and when available.