Public consultation is a process whereby an institution gathers feedback from the public and specific audiences on a policy, strategy or project before finalizing and releasing it. The purpose is to include relevant stakeholders' opinions in shaping the outcome.

Document EB 2023/139/R.28, as presented to the 139th session of the Executive Board, outlines procedures for public consultations during the development of the IFAD’s corporate policies and strategies.

IFAD consultation processes will include relevant IFAD stakeholders, host governments, beneficiaries, civil society and IFAD’s membership.

All documents open for consultation will be disclosed to the relevant audiences according to IFAD’s guidelines and policies, including IFAD’s Policy on the Disclosure of Documents (2010) (GC 34/INF.2/Rev.2) and IFAD’s Policy on Disclosure of Documents for Non-Sovereign Private Sector Operations (2022) (EB 2022/136/R.5).

For Review

For Review

IFAD Strategic Framework (2025 – 31)



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