100th session of the Evaluation Committee
New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:
EC 2018/100/W.P.3/Rev.1 - Project Performance Evaluation of the Rural Finance Intermediation Programme in the Kingdom of Lesotho - PPT: PPE in the Kingdom of Lesotho (English) -
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
EC 2018/100/W.P.5 - Evaluation Synthesis Report on Building Partnerships for Enhanced Development Effectiveness - A Review of Country-level Experiences and Results - PPT: Evaluation Synthesis Report on building partnerships for enhanced development effectiveness (English)EC 2018/100/W.P.6 - Draft approach paper for the Corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s engagement in pro-poor value chain development - PPT: Approach paper CLE Pro-poor Value Chain (English)EC 2018/100/W.P.3/Rev.1 - Project Performance Evaluation of the Rural Finance Intermediation Programme in the Kingdom of Lesotho - PPT: PPE in the Kingdom of Lesotho (English)EC 2018/100/W.P.2 - Country strategy and programme evaluation for the Kingdom of Cambodia - PPT: CSPE for the Kingdom of Cambodia (English)EC 2018/100/W.P.4 - Country strategy and programme evaluation for Georgia - PPT: CSPE Georgia (English) -
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
PPT - Strengthening the strategic role of Executive Board subsidiary bodies - EC 2016/91/W.P.8-Procedure for drafting, clearance and sharing of records of EC sessions (English) (French) (Spanish)