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Ninety-seventh session of the Executive Board

Meeting Executive Board
Dates Ended almost 15 years ago (14/09/2009 - 15/09/2009)



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Previous Sessions Documents

Official Documents

Official Documents

Agenda item 2

Agenda item 4

Results Measurement Framework for the Eighth Replenishment period (2010-2012)

Agenda item 5

IFAD Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples

Agenda item 6

High-level preview of IFAD's 2010 results-based programme of work and administrative and capital budgets, and the Office of Evaluation's three-year (2010-2012) rolling work programme and 2010 resource issues

Agenda item 7: Evaluation

Report of the Chairperson on the fifty-sixth session of the Evaluation Committee

Report of the Chairperson on the fifty-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee

Report of the Chairperson on the fifty-eighth session of the Evaluation Committee

Peer Review of IFAD's Office of Evaluation and Evaluation Function - Review Approach Paper

Agenda item 8

President's Report on the Implementation Status of Evaluation Recommendations and Management Actions

Agenda item 9: Country strategic opportunities programmes

Chad: Country strategic opportunities programme

Peru: Country strategic opportunities programme

Philippines: Country strategic opportunities programme

Agenda item 10

Resources available for commitment

Agenda item 11: Project/programme proposals for consideration by the Executive Board

West and Central Africa

Chad: Pastoral Water Management Project in Sahelian Areas

Mauritania: Value Chains Development Programme for Poverty Reduction

East and Southern Africa

Ethiopia: Pastoral Community Development Project II

Uganda: District Livelihoods Support Programme – Supplementary loan

Uganda: Community Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement Programme – Supplementary loan

Zambia: Smallholder Agribusiness Promotion Programme

Asia and the Pacific

Bangladesh: Participatory Small-scale Water Resources Sector Project

Pakistan: Crop Maximization Support Project Download project design report

Latin America and the Caribbean

Brazil: Semi-arid Sustainable Development Project in the State of Piauí (Viva o Semi-Árido)

Ecuador: Ibarra-San Lorenzo Development Project Download project design report

Haiti: Small-scale Irrigation Development Project (PPI-2) – Supplementary grant Download project design report

Mexico: Community-based Forestry Development Project for Southern States (Campeche, Chiapas and Oaxaca)

Paraguay: President's memorandum: Proposed supplementary financing for the Empowerment of Rural Poor Organizations and Harmonization of Investments (Paraguay Rural) Project

Near East, North Africa and Europe

Djibouti: President's memorandum: Microfinance and Microenterprise Development Project – Amendment to the loan agreement

Lebanon: Hilly Areas Sustainable Agricultural Development Project Download project design report

Sudan: Revitalizing The Sudan Gum Arabic Production and Marketing Project

The West Bank and Gaza: President's memorandum: Proposal to channel the net balance due under the Rehabilitation and Development Project in Gaza and the West Bank (Phase II) (RDP-II) into the IFAD Fund for Gaza and the West Bank

President's memorandum: Modification of supervision arrangements

IFAD Policy on the Disclosure of Documents

Agenda item 12: Grant proposals for consideration by the Executive Board

Grant under the global/regional grants window to a Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)-supported international centre

Grants under the global/regional grants window to non-CGIAR-supported international centres and organizations

Grant under the global/regional grants window to the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), for the Programme for Designing Integrated Financing Strategies for UNCCD Implementation in Selected Countries of Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean – Phase II

Agenda item 13

Planned project activities 2009-2010

Agenda item 14

High-level Task Force on Global Food Security Crisis and the Administered Account for its Financial Coordination Mechanism

Agenda item 15

Directions for collaboration among the Rome-based agencies

Agenda item 16: Financial matters

Report on the Eighth Replenishment of IFAD's resources

Report on the status of contributions to the Seventh Replenishment of IFAD’s resources

Report on IFAD's investment portfolio for the second quarter of 2009

Report of the 105th meeting of the Audit Committee

Report of the 106th meeting of the Audit Committee

Report of the Chairperson on the 107th meeting of the Audit Committee

Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Audit Committee of the Executive Board

IFAD's lending terms and conditions: interest rates for the year 2010 for loans on ordinary and intermediate terms

Agenda item 17

Draft provisional agenda for the thirty-third session of the Governing Council

Agenda item 18: Other Business

Appointment of members to the Working Group on the Performance-based Allocation System

Minutes of the ninety-sixth session of the Executive Board

Information notes

Arrangements for the ninety-seventh session of the Executive Board

Status report on arrears in principal. Interest and service charge payments

Republic of Nicaragua Implementation of the second cycle of the Technical Assistance Fund Programme for the Departments of León, Chinandega and Managua under the Flexible Lending Mechanism

List of documents for the ninetyseventh session of the Executive Board

Summary of project, programme and grant proposals discussed by the Executive Board

Minutes of the Ninety-seventh session