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126th session of the Executive Board

Meeting Executive Board
Dates Ended about 5 years ago (02/05/2019 - 03/05/2019)



  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    EB/126 - Minutes of the 126th session of the Executive Board (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    Almost 5 years ago (25/07/2019)
  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    EB 2019/126/R.21/Rev.1 - Bangladesh: President's Memorandum: Char Development and Settlement Project IV (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    About 5 years ago (11/06/2019)
  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following document has been posted:

    EB 2019/126/R.22/Rev.1 - Rwanda: Kayonza Irrigation and Integrated Watershed Management Project – Phase I (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    About 5 years ago (08/06/2019)
  • New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:

    EB 2019/126/R.5/Rev.1 - Setting targets for the IFAD11 Results Management Framework (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)
    EB 2019/126/R.13/Rev.1 - Rwanda: Country strategic opportunities programme (2019-2024) (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)

    About 5 years ago (07/06/2019)
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Previous Sessions Documents

Official Documents

Official Documents

Agenda Item 2: Adoption of the agenda

Agenda Item 3: Corporate

Knowledge Management Strategy

IFAD Strategy and Action Plan on Environment and Climate Change 2019-2025: Results Management Framework

Draft Report on the IFAD10 Impact Assessment Initiative

Setting targets for the IFAD11 Results Management Framework

Agenda Item 4: Enterprise Risk Management

IFAD's Risk Dashboard

Management response to the findings of IFAD's independent assessment of strategic and operational risks

Agenda Item 5: Evaluation

Minutes of the 104th session of the Evaluation Committee

Burkina Faso: Country strategy and programme evaluation

Gambia (The): Country programme evaluation

Tunisia: Country strategy and programme evaluation

Agenda Item 6: Operational matters

Rwanda: Country strategic opportunities programme (2019-2024)

Zambia: Country strategic opportunities programme (2019-2024)

Djibouti: Country strategic opportunities programme (2019-2024)

Tunisia: Country strategic opportunities programme (2019-2024)

Burkina Faso: Country strategic opportunities programme (2019-2024)

Senegal: Country strategic opportunities programme (2019-2024)

Gambia (The): Country strategic opportunities programme (2019-2024)

Minutes of the Eighth Meeting of the Working Group on the Transition Framework

Special Programme for Countries with Fragile Situations: Operationalizing IFAD’s Fragility Strategy

Proposals for Streamlining the Approval of IFAD-funded Projects and Programmes

Bangladesh: President's Memorandum: Char Development and Settlement Project IV

Rwanda: Kayonza Irrigation and Integrated Watershed Management Project – Phase I

Agenda Item 7: Financial matters

Report of the Chairperson on the 152nd Meeting of the Audit Committee

Consolidated Financial Statements of IFAD as at 31 December 2018

IFAD Credit Rating Assessment – Update on Process and Road Map

Eligibility for Debt Sustainability Framework in IFAD11

Financially sustainable Debt Sustainability Framework mechanism

Concessional partner loan with the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Finland to support the IFAD11 programme of loans and grants

Concessional partner loan with the Republic of India to support the IFAD11 programme of loans and grants

Concessional partner loan with the French Development Agency (AFD) to support the IFAD11 programme of loans and grants

Requirements for the Fortieth Drawdown of Member State Contributions in 2019

Report on the Status of Contributions to IFAD11

Agenda Item 8: Governance

Consultation on the Twelfth Replenishment of IFAD's Resources: Procedure for the selection of the Chair

Dates for the 2020 country visit of the IFAD Executive Board

Agenda Item 9: Appeals Process

Assessment and recommendations to IFAD's appeals process

Disclaimer: Revisions pertain to the Arabic and French versions only

Agenda Item 10: Progress reports

Annual Progress Report on the Implementation of the Transparency Action Plan

IFAD's Engagement with the Committee on World Food Security

Update on IFAD's Engagement in the Reform of the United Nations Development System

Update on IFAD's Approach to Address the United Nations' Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Update on Change, Delivery and Innovation, and IFAD's Decentralization

Agenda Item 11: Other business

Mainstreaming Nutrition at IFAD: Action Plan 2019-2025

Mainstreaming Gender Transformative Approaches at IFAD: Action Plan 2019-2025

Agenda Item 12: Planned global, regional and country activities report

Planned Global, Regional and Country Activities as at 11 March 2019

Agenda Item 13: Tenth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources

Report on the Status of Contributions to IFAD10

Agenda Item 14: Investment portfolio

Report on IFAD’s Investment Portfolio for 2018

Agenda Item 15: Status report on arrears in principal, interest and service charge payments

Status Report on Arrears in Principal, Interest and Service Charge Payments

Agenda Item 16: Financial Impact of Principal Due and Service Charges Forgone as a Result of the Implementation of the Debt Sustainability Framework

Financial Impact of Principal Due and Service Charges Forgone as a Result of the Implementation of the Debt Sustainability Framework

Agenda Item 17: Projects/programmes and grants approved under the lapse-of-time procedure in 2018

Projects/programmes and grants approved under the lapse-of-time procedure in 2018

Agenda Item 18: Office of Audit and Oversight

Annual Report on the Activities of the Office of Audit and Oversight during 2018


Arrangements for the 126th Session of the Executive Board

Grants under the Global/Regional and Country-specific Grant Windows Approved by the President in 2018

High-level Review of IFAD's Financial Statements for 2018

Supplementary fund agreements with Small Foundation and the New Venture Fund, and with the Rockefeller Foundation

Minutes of the Seventh Meeting of the Working Group on the Transition Framework

Results of the Executive Board Vote by Correspondence

Opening statement by President Gilbert F. Houngbo

Closing statement by President Gilbert F. Houngbo

Summary of project, programme and grant proposals discussed by the Executive Board

Minutes of the 126th session of the Executive Board


List of documents for the 126th session of the Executive Board

Vote by correspondence documentation

Proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding with the Korea Rural Economic Institute

Memorandum of Understanding between IFAD and Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa

Information for Meeting Participants

Information for Meeting Participants

Invitation Letters

Invitation Letters