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EB Consultation on Projects, Programmes, COSOPs and NSO
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
EB 2021/134/R.42/Sup.1 - Kenya: Rural Kenya Financial Inclusion Facility Project - (English)EB 2021/134/R.28/Add.1 - Morocco: Country strategic opportunities programme - (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)EB 2021/134/R.42/Add.1 - Kenya: Rural Kenya Financial Inclusion Facility Project - (Arabic) (English) (French) (Spanish)EB 2021/134/R.39 - India: Rural Enterprise Acceleration Project - Project Desing Report (English)PPT3 - East and Southern Africa (English)PPT2 - West and Central Africa (English) -
New Documents Online! Please note that the following documents have been posted:
EB 2021/134/R.47/Sup.1 - Senegal: Agriculture and Livestock Competitiveness Program For Results - (French)
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